ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

Hello Lord Matt Rize king of the full melt, duke of the super melt, I seek your infinite wisdom,
san francisco's SPARC cannabis club has always sold ice wax, but they have a new product that is labeled as a wax not a icewax, but is made with ice and water, and no solvents, the difference is that they blasted their shiz with custom sonic waves. They say its a wax that presses into a taffy.

Now my dilemma, I am a big fan of that fresh off the plant frozen ice wax grease goodness, I have more than blackened my honey hole, do you think this sound stuff is a sales pitch?should I buy the new stuff just to try it or save my money for a good classic batch of grease?
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I just wanted to say Cheers! and thanks to Matt Rize for sharing his information and techniques with the community. Without having seen some of his videos on youtube and appearances on subcool I would not have known how to make some good full melt and still be making that non melty stuff.



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Hey Rize what's up brother? Long time no talk. Do you think cured weed makes for more potent hash? I'm thinking yes. I wanted to get ur expert advice on this. Cheers.
Periodically over the past couple of days I have read this whole thread. Some interesting posts buried in there to say the least. :)

Again, Cheers Matt! I had no idea of the misinformation folks had been spreading for years and the politics about sharing techniques. Much Respect.

The one major thing I have learned is that I should probably break up my IWE much more when drying. Luckily I only had a few of the bigger chunks go bad. Was a small price to pay for a learning experience.

I also wanted to share my experience with Boldtbags with the community. I bought a 8 bag set from a local headshop here in Canada for $470(Yikes! but much better than a vac pump and chamber imo). I got home and inspected the bags. Work bag sidewall was damaged. I sent a picture of the defected bag with my receipt and the folks at Boldtbags sent me a free replacement hassle free no further questions asked. Oddly enough the replacement workbag sidewall material is not the same as the super extra sturdy material as with the original bag. Cheers!
I believe he takes the dome piece to his rig, heats it lightly, and presses pretty quick. Saw him do it on a YouTube video

Can anybody tell me how does Matt rize gets his hash transparent and paper thin? What's the process after micro plane and drying? Thanks

I saw that too. I think it was a weed nerd ep. He heated up his dome or jar with a torch real quick. placed the dab between parchment paper. Then pressed. Then placed the parchment on a cool surface real quick then dabbed it.

transparency I think depends on quality of trichomes and temp. Keeping the room and hash cold from start through cure. Heat tends to darken the hash. Especially if you heat press it like frenchy. Regardless of color its dank either way.
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Juicy Jeff it's all how you look at it. Bad material is never good to start with, but it's really only 'bad' in terms of yield. For instance, using my dry sift method, you can make this


From this in about 15 seconds. Shade plant, hardly watered last year, barely any frost or love.


I would love to learn how to make that.
WooT thanks WarMachine :) Been busy lately!! Getting banned from ICM put a dent in things.. it seems i'm the only person who actually WANTS people to be able to make cleaner medicine in a shorter amount of time. B.scam apparently is more concerned with protecting his revenue stream off my method, so he keeps erasing the information from the community and banning me from helping others. Is that for real? I can't believe people actually look up to that guy.. lol. So sad.
Pictured below is my full melt hash bowl. There are three holes around the top inside of the bowl that allow the smoke to be pulled into your bong/chalice. The bottom of the bowl is solid, like a dish. A glass rod is heated and then inserted into the bowl. The hash melts and turns to smoke, but the oily mess has nowhere to go because the bowl's holes are at the top. This allows smoking full melt hash with no metal screens or flowers in the mix. Pure and clean.

That's just what I need!