ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

lets see the lab tests proving this, otherwise this is pretty much useless babble.

and I have NEVER smoked a dab of butane hash oil, I am NOT biased based on effects, I am judging this in an objective scientific way.

if you say butane bonds to these molecules, PROVE IT.
Dont believe me just ask SUBCOOL.. He has stated it several times in some of his posts and on his channel "weed nerd" You gonna call the king of "dank" a liar?...Its not just the butane that bonds with it... there are contaminant chemicals they add as well .. NO zero impurities in pure form of butane is obtainable by U.S. ground in the U.S unless you are a liscenced contractor!! Even then he is escorted by another certified gentelman to the jobsite and all extra is returned!! Gov has a lock on the PURE!!! . Real Zero impurites such as Colobri,Extc are only in Europe!!.. The U.S. adds chemicals for smell to detect gas leaks!! Chemical bonds can only be broken with other chemicals!! Its quite possible BHO can be taken to a second process with an acetone of some sort (im no chemist either) to release the butane from its bond!! But no home bho maker is going to go through all ths IMO... Its Just not likely... I cant prove anything without a master degree in chemistry but I think Id rather take my chances with good old ice and water.... :bigjoint: ...
Dont believe me just ask SUBCOOL.. He has stated it several times in some of his posts and on his channel "weed nerd" You gonna call the king of "dank" a liar?...Its not just the butane that bonds with it... there are contaminant chemicals they add as well .. NO zero impurities in pure form of butane is obtainable by U.S. ground in the U.S unless you are a liscenced contractor!! Even then he is escorted by another certified gentelman to the jobsite and all extra is returned!! Gov has a lock on the PURE!!! . Real Zero impurites such as Colobri,Extc are only in Europe!!.. The U.S. adds chemicals for smell to detect gas leaks!! Chemical bonds can only be broken with other chemicals!! Its quite possible BHO can be taken to a second process with an acetone of some sort (im no chemist either) to release the butane from its bond!! But no home bho maker is going to go through all ths IMO... Its Just not likely... I cant prove anything without a master degree in chemistry but I think Id rather take my chances with good old ice and water.... :bigjoint: ...

you quote the great anecdotal SUBCOOL.

so, not only do you fail to provide proof, you just divert with other babble to distract from your initial point? are you a republican?

I could show you 1000s of pics of high grade ice wax i"ve made MYSELF. I"m not biased against IWE. I just am biased against people spouting biased anecdotal bullshit, trying to pass it off as scientific fact!
Serriously?.. Are you educated?.... Butane bonds to the cannabis molecules in a way similar to brake cleaner!! Once these molecules are bonded they are bonded FOR LIFE!!! No ammount of purging or waxing or refinining it to budder or amberglass will seperate these chemical bonds!!!! think about it!! Do you know the definition of crack ? Isnt it just coke with an extra sodium bicorbanate molecule attached?... A new drug 10x more addictive with a way NEW high!! Now think about your first dab.. that BHO WAX hit...How did you feel?.. Forehead sweating, heart racing/palputating.... Very similar if not identical to a crack high!!! Kush hash shouldnt make you feel like youve just smoked Vortex IMO!! "BHO WAX" the NEW "WEED CRACK"!!!! Call matt a hater all day it doesnt matter he's just keepin it 100... know what your talking about before you speak of that which you know nothing of!!! So go ahead keep smoking your earwax that "WAS" anti-cancer cuz now its full of it!!!! Real Talk.... stonerwithacold....kiss-ass ...

comparing BHO to crack now

i wouldn't know...u might though


  • cmonson.gif
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comparing BHO to crack now

i wouldn't know...u might though

gotta love people who love to state biased adamant opinions as if they are fact.... if they posted some serious scientific analysis that without a shadow of a doubt proved that the chemicals binded together... then there would be no discussion or argument here.

but when people insist on just SAYING something, and not backing it up with fact, you are no better than the 'liars' you hate so much.
Poplars. fuck off bro, you are just trolling this thread. You are talking shit on talking shit, while talking shit. Thats epic fail status.

I will never care what you think about me, what you think of my business, or any of that. I make the best extracts in the entire MMj game, I have earned my spot. Being nice did not get me here. I will talk shit on whoever I feel like. PLEASE do not respond, PLEASE UNSUB from this thread.


Larry OG ice wax

Blackberry Kush ice wax, and SourD from the Shatter Bros
Poplars. fuck off bro, you are just trolling this thread. You are talking shit on talking shit, while talking shit. Thats epic fail status.

I will never care what you think about me, what you think of my business, or any of that. I make the best extracts in the entire MMj game, I have earned my spot. Being nice did not get me here. I will talk shit on whoever I feel like. PLEASE do not respond, PLEASE UNSUB from this thread.

Larry OG ice wax

Blackberry Kush ice wax, and SourD from the Shatter Bros
Americaaa fuuuuuuuuuuck yeahhhhh.... ahhhhhhhh dirka dirka dirka ... mohamed jihard ..... Your the shit matt!!! God bless you for keeping it real and keeping the shit out of our weed and showing these newbs whos boss... Get up....Stand up... Rize up.... Stoner...:clap: ...
why you quote the goddamn pics? i hate thats shit! you just making the page long as fuck and hard to load, you may be being an asshole unintentional but i thought i would let you know.

you already saw the pics why do you need copy them?

sorry had to get that out there theres a lot of that in this thread.
why you quote the goddamn pics? i hate thats shit! you just making the page long as fuck and hard to load, you may be being an asshole unintentional but i thought i would let you know.

you already saw the pics why do you need copy them?

sorry had to get that out there theres a lot of that in this thread.

if the page is hard to load get better internet
lets see the lab tests proving this, otherwise this is pretty much useless babble.

and I have NEVER smoked a dab of butane hash oil, I am NOT biased based on effects, I am judging this in an objective scientific way.

if you say butane bonds to these molecules, PROVE IT.

Do you have any evidence or proof to support what your saying even? you say your for IWE, yet your argueing the point that BHO or other solvent based extracts are just as healthy for you when in fact it's been proven it's not. so where's your evidence supporting your statement or theory as well?

Furtermore! you are on a thread that is specifically about IWE! so why are you trying to argue about anything on here other then whats involved with IWE, this isnt an arguement bewteen solvent based or solventless, this thread is specifically about solventless, so yet again why do you keep trying to argue a point about solvent based extracts?

And I would believe the person starting a thread has the right to say whatever they want about their topic esp. if it's in relation to being questioned about their product, or methods compared to others. Everyone has a right to defend their method or product when being question about it.

That's all have a good day
Furtermore! you are on a thread that is specifically about IWE! so why are you trying to argue about anything on here other then whats involved with IWE, this isnt an arguement bewteen solvent based or solventless, this thread is specifically about solventless, so yet again why do you keep trying to argue a point about solvent based extracts?

it wasn't I who started the argument. I'm merely being a reasonable objective person responding to what seems like elitism. I'm sorry you feel differently and I'm not here to argue with anyone. peeeaccceeeee
it wasn't I who started the argument. I'm merely being a reasonable objective person responding to what seems like elitism. I'm sorry you feel differently and I'm not here to argue with anyone. peeeaccceeeee

But my point is why try and continue a pointless arguement.. I dont think it has anything to do with elitism, it's the fact that its about this thread being about IWE which you yourself said your all for even.. Why get involved in a pointless topic thats completely sidetracked from what main topic is all about?

And it does seem like your trying to argue when you tell someone to prove something over and over. It's simple chemistry and common sense that using chemicals there will always be some chemical residue left within a product regardless of method.. I'm sure you can google for yourself and find evidence that in fact that is the case, thats why I stated if you have evidence stating otherwise then you should show that as well instead of questioning ones statement and telling them to prove it without any proof within your logic.

And it is within reason for Matt or anyone else to defend their products and methods, that's not to say there isnt room for debate or discussion, but not when its a pointless arguement thats completely off topic. As I said this thread is all about IWE, so why argue about solvent based methods?

Now maybe it was the way you worded it, or the way you said what you did that others took offense to, however as stated it's all about IWE so why argue about anything else thats pointless right?

That's all :weed:
Everyone have a Dank day!
But my point is why try and continue a pointless arguement.. I dont think it has anything to do with elitism, it's the fact that its about this thread being about IWE which you yourself said your all for even.. Why get involved in a pointless topic thats completely sidetracked from what main topic is all about?

And it does seem like your trying to argue when you tell someone to prove something over and over. It's simple chemistry and common sense that using chemicals there will always be some chemical residue left within a product regardless of method.. I'm sure you can google for yourself and find evidence that in fact that is the case, thats why I stated if you have evidence stating otherwise then you should show that as well instead of questioning ones statement and telling them to prove it without any proof within your logic.

And it is within reason for Matt or anyone else to defend their products and methods, that's not to say there isnt room for debate or discussion, but not when its a pointless arguement thats completely off topic. As I said this thread is all about IWE, so why argue about solvent based methods?

Now maybe it was the way you worded it, or the way you said what you did that others took offense to, however as stated it's all about IWE so why argue about anything else thats pointless right?

That's all :weed:
Everyone have a Dank day!

there's a difference between attacking others products and defending your own. I"m done with these semantics PEACE.
Chernobyl 90 micron.jpgChernobyl.jpg

I useally read and not post, but matt has truely inspired me. This is my first post. Just want to say thanks to matt for sharing his knowledge with the world. I listened for sure. RIZE UP!
Here is my 90 micron Chernobyl. Not as nice as matt's Chernobyl looks, but man it is a good one.
Cant wait to take a trip to Hopland and try some of the master's ice wax.
I also ran some Dairy Queen. Before i got a micro plane, i would chop with razor blade- micro plane definatly improves the drying and texture of finished hash. Both these strains came from a single seed, freebies from attitude! TGA ALL DAY!
work 010.jpgwork 012.jpgDairy Queen.jpg
