ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize


New Member
update for those reading: I learned that the above hash that I posted was made in a 10 gallon set up. with 3 bags. 1 wash bag and 2 collecting bags. they use 3 full freezer bags of very nice sugar leaves, and mix the hell out of it with a taken apart sump pump that is upside down or something for 20 mins.. in other words, they mix the hell out of it, hard. and yet still produce golden hash. then ball it up with their hands I think and just let it sit believe... I never got any info on the drying/curing process if any.


Active Member
vacpurge you should post those pics in Frenchy Cannoli hash thread he can usually tell the process by the look of the hash


New Member
hes already seen my previous "moldy" pucks (fuck you guys :p) and commented, saying I should microplane it and flatten it and roll it into cannolis.

how are you supposed to smoke that stuff properly?? even on the red hot nail its tough to smoke fully.. or maybe im putting too much.


Well-Known Member
shit looked fucking killer ^^^ thats all i have to say on it... i am drooling a little because i want to try it...


Active Member
Frenchy would not tell you to microplane he was probably trying to help you figure a way to dry it out and save your hash I believe it was matt that made rude comments about your hash and deleted all the posts and pics


New Member
awesome. thank you very much.

I froze a chunk, as well as my grinder, and I was able to powderize something that otherwise feels like a marshmallow. it worked great. I then balled it up... and thats where its stopped. its been in a ball for 2 months and ive moved onto bigger and better things.


Well-Known Member
no what i am saying is the site has a thing where if you pay 5 bucks you get perks and one of them is the ability to delete posts


Active Member
you guys should check out this guy on Facebook Canna Hash the hash he makes is crazy looking someone put me on to him in another thread


Well-Known Member
you guys should check out this guy on Facebook Canna Hash the hash he makes is crazy looking someone put me on to him in another thread
If he is the same person who made the Hash Chess pieces then ya that guys stuff is tear shedding pretty.


Staff member
no what i am saying is the site has a thing where if you pay 5 bucks you get perks and one of them is the ability to delete posts
where the hell did you get that horrible information. first off our 5$ option is gone, and has been for like 4 years or more. second it never gave you the ability to delete posts. any user can delete their posts up to 72 hours, after that contact a mod


Active Member
Thanks for putting up the link vacpurge I didn't know how, his work is amazing, you know you have a shit load of hash when you start making chess pieces and things out of your hash


Staff member
well there you go he gets butt hurt so he deletes it.... i think china does something similar or maybe north korea.....

i am a little concerned now though because i was considering getting the 5 dollar subscription, so sunni... can you please explain this to me if the option has been gone for 4 years now and when i clicked to make the payment the site clicked over as if it was geared up to take my card????? puzzling........
you can get up to this page only in the process theres no info or option to input your money or credit card ...puzzling a blank page you cant input your information into
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Matt Rize


  • Shawns
    • Mat rize is a mod so he can delete anything he wants in this thread​

Anything rude or way off-topic will be erased. This thread actually has serious educational purposes, and deserves to be kept on topic. Thanks for understanding! Now to answer some ?s...

The "grease" that a couple of you have asked about is from using very high quality material of the right genetics. Nothing about the process is different. Just great trim or buds. Most of the grease I've made has been from the chem family. But... here goes some Cookies grease, made from fresh/frozen trim. JEWCE!!!! Gotta credit the farmer, Norcal Sourdees, he is killing it. Working with farmers who grow specifically for fresh/frozen ice wax, over long periods of time, is whatsup. Now play nice!