ice water/blender hash question

C Dizzle172

New Member
Sorry if this is wrong section, but i was wondering what surface is best for breaking up wet hash to dry on.
Additionally, i currently use the coffee filter method after running it through a very fine screen but it takes so long to filter through the coffee filter once the hash has started building up, any tips besides banging on the side of my container?


Well-Known Member
You should invest in the proper hash bags. I use the 5 gallon bags so once the tricomes are in the bag I use a 'pump up' spray bottle and spray the screen to get the tricomes positioned in the center of the bag, then I grab the out side of bag and gentle squeeze out the excess moisture, sort of like milking a cow. Then I place a normal dinner plate under bag and stretch the screen tight over the bag and use a card to scrape off hash, then into a baking dish. I chop up hash , let dry. Every thing I learned was through a hash maker Frency. you can google frency hash maker, or go to the organics section on this forum, click on organics then at the top is a sub forum, subcool something, click on it and look for the frency post, just a fantastic info on hash making.
The French Cannoli thread

C Dizzle172

New Member
You should invest in the proper hash bags. I use the 5 gallon bags so once the tricomes are in the bag I use a 'pump up' spray bottle and spray the screen to get the tricomes positioned in the center of the bag, then I grab the out side of bag and gentle squeeze out the excess moisture, sort of like milking a cow. Then I place a normal dinner plate under bag and stretch the screen tight over the bag and use a card to scrape off hash, then into a baking dish. I chop up hash , let dry. Every thing I learned was through a hash maker Frency. you can google frency hash maker, or go to the organics section on this forum, click on organics then at the top is a sub forum, subcool something, click on it and look for the frency post, just a fantastic info on hash making.
The French Cannoli thread
Would the bags be worth it for smaller batches? Or can i get smaller bags i usually only do .5-1oz


Well-Known Member
they make 1 gallon bags. The idea is , in order to make quality product , it is best to have the proper equipment. I follow Frency's method and use the 220, 160, 73, and 45 micron bags. When finished I pour all 'used' water through a 25 micron, (use this for medibles) Got my machine and bags through ebay


Well-Known Member
You should invest in the proper hash bags. I use the 5 gallon bags so once the tricomes are in the bag I use a 'pump up' spray bottle and spray the screen to get the tricomes positioned in the center of the bag, then I grab the out side of bag and gentle squeeze out the excess moisture, sort of like milking a cow. Then I place a normal dinner plate under bag and stretch the screen tight over the bag and use a card to scrape off hash, then into a baking dish. I chop up hash , let dry. Every thing I learned was through a hash maker Frency. you can google frency hash maker, or go to the organics section on this forum, click on organics then at the top is a sub forum, subcool something, click on it and look for the frency post, just a fantastic info on hash making.
The French Cannoli thread
not trying to be a know it all nancy or anything, but when you're squeezing the excess moisture out. you're also squeezing moisture into the heads of all the trichs. it's almost guaranteed to mold. You don't ever wanna do any squeezing, or ball rolling, or anything like that really, you need it to be as light and fluffy as possible, so it can dry as fast as possible. then you can squeeze it to your hearts content. I just leave it broken up. cheers!

C Dizzle172

New Member
not trying to be a know it all nancy or anything, but when you're squeezing the excess moisture out. you're also squeezing moisture into the heads of all the trichs. it's almost guaranteed to mold. You don't ever wanna do any squeezing, or ball rolling, or anything like that really, you need it to be as light and fluffy as possible, so it can dry as fast as possible. then you can squeeze it to your hearts content. I just leave it broken up. cheers!
Same here only time id ball it up was if someone requested their product that way, but most are usually happy after toke #1 just the way it is


Well-Known Member
Opinions vary. I learn my hash making techniques from one of the best, and have never had ANY moisture/mold issues, Just good old Full Melt Bubble

C Dizzle172

New Member
Opinions vary. I learn my hash making techniques from one of the best, and have never had ANY moisture/mold issues, Just good old Full Melt Bubble
Thats the good thing about it, and the end of the day no matter your preference and style we can still pass one around together


Well-Known Member
Best surface to dry hash on is parchment paper. Use a microplane/lemon zester or a stainless steel sieve to separate your hash properly for drying.


Well-Known Member
Opinions vary. I learn my hash making techniques from one of the best, and have never had ANY moisture/mold issues, Just good old Full Melt Bubble
that's not really an opinion, but yeah, okay. you learned from the best - who's squeezes wet hash....

good luck with all that