true true but if you water everyday it is overwatering the plant...
yeah that is true, okay well i havent messed with her or watered, still looks sad. its a cold day, and no sun. so whatever
true true but if you water everyday it is overwatering the plant...
woah, put that thing out of its misery lol.
where did u get this clone?
wouldnt u rather do your own grow from seed? raise them.. rather than taking someone elses stuff?...u need to plan ahead before even trying to grow.. i understand the passion u have to grow, but it takes patience, knowledge and trial & error.. it took me 4-6 months till i got my grow underway ... cuz i wanted to learn everything i can about growing cannabis ... cuz cannabis needs the right conditions to thrive ... you should watch this video it has 7 parts to it ..feed your brain everything u can about growing .. if u cant learn to grow cannabis after watching this then u won't ever will
thats not funny man. you dont think it will make it? idk what the fuck happened this time, my first attempt at growing i realized what i did wrong, so i changed it this time, but im pretty sure there are some variables that are killing it..
for instance, me puttting it directly outside under uv, which was cooking the leafs. and having too dark of a plastic pot, that thing atracts so much heat.
Main problem is the Miracle Grow soil. MG soil has "Ozmocote" fertilizer in it. Ozmocote pisses fire ( Hot Nutrients) every time it gets watered, It is time release little fert balls in that soil and every time you water it you are fertilizing it. Those leaves are definitely nute burned. Heres what you do...go to the store and get some plain old topsoil/potting soil get the cheap stuff that contains NO FERTILIZERS. Get a bag of Plain Unfertilized PERLITE too. Mix them together 60% soil 40% perlite. transplant the clone, try to gently remove the MG soil from the roots. Place into new soil and water well. Now wait until the soil is really really dry, in fact bone dry to the middle then water it again with plain water until it starts to come out of bottom of pot. After recovery give it light dose of nutes every 3rd watering. increase nutes ever so slightly as plant grows. More nutes does not make a faster growing plant it makes a dead plant. More water for a plant does not help, it only drowns them. In everything be moderate.
sorry dude I dont mean to laugh at it, im a noob grower myself. But my plant is just short stalky and blooming like crazy. compared to yours that is stretchy and only has a few leaves that are pretty much dead as it is. If I had to guess I'd say its done for. But im not an expert. And im going indoors as to you growing outdoors. Pretty dramatic difference in the lighting and what not but anyways..You said its a clone huh. Thats what I got was a clone and you were talking about it a minute ago, I got platinum bubba cush and it looks bomby so far! Im gonna start flowering tonight. goodluck man
Heres what you do...go to the store and get some plain old topsoil/potting soil get the cheap stuff that contains NO FERTILIZERS. Get a bag of Plain Unfertilized PERLITE too. Mix them together 60% soil 40% perlite. transplant the clone, try to gently remove the MG soil from the roots. Place into new soil and water well. Now wait until the soil is really really dry, in fact bone dry to the middle then water it again with plain water until it starts to come out of bottom of pot. After recovery give it light dose of nutes every 3rd watering. increase nutes ever so slightly as plant grows. More nutes does not make a faster growing plant it makes a dead plant. More water for a plant does not help, it only drowns them. In everything be moderate.
anyonee?, somebody has to know..