I would really like to thank all the voters in WA and CO!


Well-Known Member

im not a resident of either state (nor have i even visited either state) but it definitely is the step in the right direction. this is the end of the war on drugs (or the climax in the fight).

While the new laws arent written the best (only can hold an ounce ,etc) its still a hell of a lot better than being illegal.

Expect resistance from the Federal Gov't (or maybe not...) obama has been elected to a 2nd term...maybe he's gonna make good on his promise since now he's not concerned with be re-elected (had he fought for legal mj in his first term he may have not been re-elected since its such a touchy subject with some voters/ppl)

I'd assume next election there will be many more states attempting to pass the same thing.

Hopefully it doesnt come to that and obama plays a hand in full legalization. im really hoping thats what happens but it may be wishful thinking.

either way WA and CO VOTERS ROCK!



New Member
oh yay,the gov't wants their fingers in our candy dish

and wallet

they have it all figured out,every way.The power companies will tax your ass off,like they are trying to do in Cali


Undercover Mod
I might be heading to Colorado just having the ability to grow for myself would be worth it and I could finally dive into breeding.


You're welcome....

They're saying we're a year or more away from everything being in place. When you think about it, it's a huge undertaking. Distribution, when it's illegal in other states, product recalls if something is found to be contaminated (e.coli, meth, etc), labelling, can the govt stores sell on Sunday.....it goes on forever.

But, the first $40million goes to rebuilding schools. I'm sure the fight over the new tax revenues after that will be ugly.

Anyway, we shall see.....