I would love some help with diagnosis

Klassik Child

New Member
i have this one plant that i need to get as healthy as possible before cloning, i am going to be vegging this plant for a quite a while longer as i plan to flower it under a single 1000 w hps. i have always wanted to grow one plant as big as possible and see what yield i get. I am new to the forums with only one previous post so i appologize if im going about this the wrong way but any help would be greatly appreciated
I am growing indoors using mother earth coco
i am currently flushing this plant
i have been feeding using house and gardens full line up at half strength with the addition of calmag
im not sure how old she is as i got her from my brother but she is still vegging
any help from you guys would be greatly appreciated id love to keep you up to date on this grow
the strain is purple wreck and my last purple wreck harvest turned out truly dank.DSC_0010.JPG DSC_0006.JPG DSC_0009.JPG DSC_0003.JPG DSC_0016.JPG DSC_0015.JPG DSC_0010.JPG
How long has it been vegging how tall is that monster it going to get 2 or 3 times bigger in flowering if you wanna to get cuttings do and put them in some dirt and they may straighten up 8)
she is just under 3' tall im working on training her now. she will have her own 5x5 tent and 1000w hps in a 12 gallon pot. i always try to take clones from the healthiest plants as the clone will carry on any stress the mother had.
So no one can help me? I put up a fly trap to see of it was fungus knats with no luck, double checked my ph meter it was slightly off but not bad. It's getting worse please any ideas or help is greatly appreciated
A pic of the tops would help.

How often are you watering/feeding? Also your plant would benefit from the addition of perlite to your medium.
Me personally I would put it in Foxfarm ocean forest & Sunshine#4, mix the 2 together,use
A microbial power, somthing like Great White,Advanced Nut.Ijuana Juice Grow,
Humbolt Nuts. Sea Cal&Mag and of cource your going to need an enzyme!
Prozyme by Humbolt Nut & Sensizyme by advanced Nut.
i don't know if enzyme products are necessary in coco. I used a pond enzyme in hydro to prevent root rot and in ez cloned if I got lazy and left the plants in too long. Worked well and way more bang for your buck then hygrozyme, sensizyme etc.Also recommend Micro Lift for ponds over super expensive hydro microbe products

Edit. Would def use enzyme if you want to reuse your coco
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Just opinion, you say you're flushing, the media looks very dry and don't see any perlite. That would help between waterings. Your leaves look very shiny, dry and dark. Looks like a heat or lockout problem. What is your ph? Try to stay near 5.8. Try not to let it creep too much past 6.2.

How much light do you have on her? That might be contributing to the dryness and heat. Florescent lights for veg, might be cooler and less evaporating then LEDs or HPS. Maybe some airflow and CO2 wouldn't hurt.

Hard wood is difficult to clone and growth is very slow. Wait for some lighter green stems to grow before you clone. Since it seems to be affecting your middle leaves, perhaps you could clear that old dead stuff out, and make room for some new light green stuff to pop out and be ready to be cloned. Just opinion.
During the transplant I did use great white.I have had great success with this coco and this same nutrient line.
Currently I am flushing with ph`ed water I was feeding with half strength every time she needed it. she has gotten a little dry a few times but nothing severe by any means.
My Garden has plenty of airflow with 1,200 cfm being pulled out of a tent thats not even 300cf
currently im using a digital balast turned to 400w that sits 14'' above my canopy
I am definetely going to be waiting to clone for sure, and yes warble you are right about taking out those leaves and i have been but i leave them here for the pictures
my temp in my room is 73/80 degrees
I would try only using the a and b and cal mag.
Looks like a over watering issue?
Make sure to let the root zone dry before watering.
Once the roots fill the pot you can water daily. That big pot will need a few days between waterings until then
i water her pretty much every 2nd or 3rd day she was pretty dry last time, i could get my finger in a good couple inches before any moisture
i cant wait for her roots to fill that pot :D
for what purpose should i give her just that? just to make sure she wont be burned?
or just to like slowly start adding all the beneficials ?
I believe you have anerobic soil conditions.
What size pot was your plant in before you went to the 12 gallon??
My suggestion is adding perlite to your mix next time. A lot....

Maybe you can aerate your pot by top dressing with pumice or perlite etc... Maybe hydrogen peroxide could help too.
Just seems like a decimate lack of o2 in the root zone
yea i will defenitely be adding perlite next time, i will be topping off that coco pretty soon and when i do ill do a good mix of perlite to top it off with
inform me on how to use hydrogen peroxide? and its purpose?
she was in a 2 gallon pot before i put her in a 12 gallon... i believe thats what it is, i got it from a buddy and it doesnt have a tag