I wonder what weed would look like


Well-Known Member
grown in zero gravity and after maybe a decades worth breeding done in space..

Could you imagine if breaking the stim from weight is no longer an issue? lol


Well-Known Member
i feel so smashed right now.

weed in zero gravity will never happen because its "OMG ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Well-Known Member
if it could b done then the plant would be very fragile and grow like a vine,u could top and fim it all day and not worry about the weight of the buds,it would be interesting to do if it were leagal


Well-Known Member
but the roots may never fully develop and may give inadequate water to the plant,plants need gravity for water transportation


Well-Known Member
come on dude.
you cant say shit on the matter, no one can unless they have grown weed in space.

fuck knows what it'd be like but im sure ina thousand billion whatnot years we will find out!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dunno what it would look like, but who knows if we will live long enough to find out. Or you could smoke a couple joints and try and somehow invent a chamber of zero gravity or something like that. Then get back to us.

BEWARE science can make you go mad..


Well-Known Member
If the U.S. had pursued the Apollo Project to it's logical conclusion, we might well know about growing in 60% gravity now. The ultimate goal was Moon colonies. The Space Shuttle and the Cold War drew our attention away from Apollo. Too bad.


Well-Known Member
well.. as far as I know space is international(galactic) area lol cept for like claimed areas.. which I think the US has claim to the moon, but well you aren't exactly close so they'd have a hell of a time claiming it for themselves.