I wonder how long its gonna take


Well-Known Member
Hello folks.

I am pretty new here, but I always do some investigating before I post the same questions that have been posted 500 times before.

I wonder how long it will take before NOTHING makes it through customs to the USA. It seems every day the same exact questions are asked about the same exact seed banks,"do they ship here?" how do they ship?", "how long does it take?", or the best one ever is the guy yelling "I just received my x from x!! and it took x days!! Right now seed is a low priority for LE but that could surely change.

In no way am I trying to be one of those nit picking whining types who likes to berate people for asking questions(I ask plenty), but it seems to me we need to be a tad more discreet if we want our reliable sources to continue to produce. If you go way back in the old threads in this forum you will see a definite pattern of "this is the place" which in the end no longer ships due to problems.

Mane2008's sticky at the top of this board should be required reading when you open this board, so people can take care of business quietly.
people just need to smarten up a little. All the info you seek is in the 170 pages prior to this one.

It is nice to have a reliable source for any item, and a real bitch when you don't.

How bad would it suck to have to rely on bag seed?

Maybe I am just being paranoid..............hopefully that's it and no one cares about seeds, but they must if people are getting the letter.


Well-Known Member
Your absolutely right we really shouldnt say anything about anything. Right now The Attitude is tops, but eventually customs will figure out whats going on and Attitude will fall the way that Dr Chronic and no more shipping to the USA.
But most people dont want to think about that possibility.
If we were smart we would say no more than you have to on any one seed bank.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes for customs to get onto The Attitude.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it dude because The Attitude has no traces back to them,

Lets just say There is no return on the envelope.


Active Member
And you all think its beneath the DEA or any other Federal agency to put an order in themselves and find out first hand how the stealth is,, or whether a seed site actually ships or not,,,wake up!!


Active Member
good point...people are alittle stupid.. ive seen people post exact methods on how items were shipped...as for stoping all traficing... not anytime soon... unless they can look inside it to detect seeds(and what kinds they are) via some kind of scanner then i doubt this will happen...even if it does.. people will always find some way to do illegal things.... there's enuf seeds and strains already in the USA that even if they stoped oversea supply , someone would prolly start mass breeding them via us to sell them for a profit... assuming the fact the seeds would go up in price dramaticly... supply/demand...... but yea for all u dumbass's keep your mouth shut please


Well-Known Member
Guys, The DEA and the feds can do anything they want but next time you get a package from The Attitude there is NO TRACE to it.

But if The Attitude gets bitched at, could they be shut down for importing seeds into the USA?


Well-Known Member
good point...people are alittle stupid.. ive seen people post exact methods on how items were shipped...as for stoping all traficing... not anytime soon... unless they can look inside it to detect seeds(and what kinds they are) via some kind of scanner then i doubt this will happen...even if it does.. people will always find some way to do illegal things.... there's enuf seeds and strains already in the USA that even if they stoped oversea supply , someone would prolly start mass breeding them via us to sell them for a profit... assuming the fact the seeds would go up in price dramaticly... supply/demand...... but yea for all u dumbass's keep your mouth shut please
It does not matter if they blow them in about there stealth shipping because The Attitude says on there website how it is shipped.....Also if the feds want they could just buy some seeds and see how it is shipped.


Well-Known Member
It does not matter if they blow them in about there stealth shipping because The Attitude says on there website how it is shipped.....Also if the feds want they could just buy some seeds and see how it is shipped.
wat is the qestion to this thread:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wat is the qestion to this thread:blsmoke:
I had no question really. Just an observation. I am just a bit surprised how lax some people seem to be about giving out any and all info on obtaining beans. Yes we all do it, but it seems a little bit of discretion would be beneficial to everyone involved.

It is nice to be able to find a source, but people should read a few posts before asking the same question that has been asked and answered 15 times in the last three pages.