"I will call things by their proper name"


New Member
High Fructose Corn Syrup = 7 Times genetically modified corn based sugar
Aspartame = 3 month time release ethanol in 6 month shelf life cans
RFID = Leash
Marijuana = Life sugar (lol)
Monsanto = Cancer factory
Conspiracy Theory = Anything they don't want you to hear, lumped in with a good amount of quack bullshit that needs to be verified independently
Diet foods/drinks = likely to contain chemicals detrimental to thyroid function
Elections = The big stroke


Well-Known Member
Republicans = sheep

McCain = old goat

Democrat = wolves in sheeps chothing

Obama = new pack leader

Constitutionalists = reading comprehension


Well-Known Member
its more than the mercury these days.. almost all of them have nasty side effects (including death).. biggest problem is from how many they give these children at a time.. sometimes babies will get 6+ shots in one day, complete overload.


New Member
how can they both be the same thing...unless...

:-Poh i see
Depends, if you're a boss, then workers can be assholes. If you're a worker then bosses can be assholes. It's all about where you're coming from. I've had both and been both. I never thought of myself as an asshole, can't speak for everyone else.


New Member
BATF = Burn All Toddlers First.

Janet Reno = Criminal at large.

Bill Clinton = AIDS carrier

Liberal = Thief

Lon Horiuchi = Government hit-man.

Gold = Money of account for free men.

Paper = Money of account for slaves.

Guns = Freedom

Government = Power

Palin = Good

Biden = Hell, I don't know ... how about you? ~lol~