I went from joints to bongs, it was good. But what about a hookah?


Active Member
Up until today, I had never used a bong. I doubted them. I didn't see how they could be as good as they say. I was wrong.

I normally smoke 1 gram. Sometimes, that only gets me buzzed. But today, I used my homemade bong for the first time. The bowl was really small, so I couldn't even fit .25 grams in it at once. So I just take out roughly .25 grams, and break it up. I had to load it 3 times, but it was great. I got higher than I usually do with a 1 gram joint.

But would a hookah work even better, or is it just the same as a bong? And how exactly is a hookah different than a bong?

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Hookas are for parties but they burn up weed way to fast. In Iraq we used to mix the erb or the hash we had in with the sisha. it burns slow and taste like what ever flavor your burning. im not really down for mixing tobaco with bud smoke, but it was what we had to do. Not good, if your trying to save bud. i like gravity bongs my self.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hookas are for parties but they burn up weed way to fast. In Iraq we used to mix the erb or the hash we had in with the sisha. it burns slow and taste like what ever flavor your burning. im not really down for mixing tobaco with bud smoke, but it was what we had to do. Not good, if your trying to save bud. i like gravity bongs my self.

Gravitys are sick 8)

But OP, go buy a real bong dude, don't cheap out on that shit, and get glass on glass with a percolator...

Thank me later bongsmilie

filter funker

Active Member
I personally love hookah's and would smoke out of one any day over any bong (unless it's taller than me of course).

The thing about hookah's is that there isn't a flame directly burning your sheesh and/or weed. A coal sits on top so it works more or less like a type of vaporizer passed through water, I'm not sure exactly what temp it burns at but you definately get more thc in the smoke than using a lighter. If weed is mixed with sheesh and done properly (layer of sheesh,weed in the middle,layer of sheesh on top) it's actually very efficient. Iv'e never tried smoking one with just weed it in but i'd imagine that would not be good at all. There's also great herbal sheesh out there if smokin tobacco isn't up your alley. I find there's a HUGE difference between hookah's in how they are made and perform...a GOOD hookah will have a proper ball bearing and flow system so you don't have to plug hoses while another person is toking and have a perfect seal, while shitty hookah's will have no ball bearing or be leaky as fuck and just plain suck ass.
My setup with 2 years worth of supplies and all the extras (tobacco, herbal sheesh, coals, extra bowl, wind guard) cost me $200 can.

That was with border fees :-o

Don't get me wrong, I love bongs! But there's something about a classic hookah that gives me an instant hard on!