I was wondering ?


Say you want to grow up in the attic, But you don't want to keep going up there, Is there anyway of makeing an Auto system that dose it for like 2-3month's so when you go back up there the plant's would of grown and budded ?

You could put like camer's up there just to keep an eye on them, Is there anyway of doing this ?


Well-Known Member
The bad news: Growing weed, especially indoors, ESPECIALLY in an attic is very hands on. You are going to have heat issues to deal with along with the normal monitoring necessary for a successful grow. The good news: If you manage to develop such as system, you will no longer have to grow weed because you will be a millionaire!


Sure, it's possible to automate to that point (and it can be fairly inexpensive if you DIY). You'll need to know frame/finish carpentry, household plumbing, 120VAC~240VAC wiring, and how to build/program a PLC. If you had this knowledge up-front, you probably wouldn't be asking the question.

What I'd like to know is for what reason you'd want/need to build such a grow. If you're a patient with mobility issues, I'd suggest finding a more accessible area (or a good caregiver). Cannabis (indoors) is rather more "hands-on" than you seem to think. Even with the best camera money can buy, it would be difficult (if not impossible) to spot pests/disease and nutrient deficiencies before they've destroyed the entire crop. So, yeah, good luck with that.

EDIT: Holy crap! During the time it took me to compose this post, other people wrote the same crap I was thinking (often using identical phrases)... That's funny.


At the moment have have a cupboard For growing cannabis, but it's not that big And the people i live with would go mad if they found out, I have carbon filter's + more

But it would mean if i have it in the atic i could grow more plant's, I'm not on about converting the whole attic into growing room. Just want to put a tent up there and go up there once every 2 week's, Or if anybody know a good auto strain withc is small and got good yields then could you please let me know