I was gonna sleep...


Well-Known Member
But then i got HIGH! Okay so i have to goto a workshop at 9:15 am EST today... i just went on a bud run.... My normal guy was asleep so i had to resort to my old dude i had not talked to in a long while... all thats been around is AZ mids, outdoor blueberry raped by god knows what, and a alright fruity strain(dont know exactly i aint growin it) needless to say i wanted some bud so i can sleep and i was in a hurry i picked up a gram it was 15 bucks i delt with it lol i was in a rush so i couldnt check what i was getting. I drove home got upstairs, sat in my recliner pulled out hte bag. Smelled like a skunk graveyard i pulled it and grabed my 30x jewlers loop fucking pure cloudy/amber trichs fucking AMAZING it was looking outrageously sativa but i dont have anything so i said fuck it i packed my bubbler well look at me now down stairs typing this and not stoping . INTENSE!


Well-Known Member
not the kind i like though the alprazolam aint my thang lol Rohypnol now theressssssss a benzo a REAL benzo


Well-Known Member
sir i know that but dont mean the process inwhich to get it does not dissapear some people still know how to make it i jsut have ALOT of freinds thats all really old friends


Well-Known Member
okay so i called it by its brand name im sorry im not the dude who is making the shit jeez