I was assaulted by an oak tree!


Active Member
So I'm out tending to the crops when all of a sudden, a mighty wind blows up. Next thing I know, I took 3 acorns off the top of my head. Those little fuckers hurt! Of course, I saw the bigger issue, of it dropping these little bastards on my shrubs. I swear I heard it laugh at me as I screamed out.

Anyway, jokes on the tree. I'm going to get my chainsaw!:joint:

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
you cut down an oak tree, probably over 100 years old, cuz it might, drop an acorn on a branch? the tree lives on and on and on. the marijuana could be planted elsewhere next year. also you are going to burn the oak? you are either very stupid, or a liar.


you cut down an oak tree, probably over 100 years old, cuz it might, drop an acorn on a branch? the tree lives on and on and on. the marijuana could be planted elsewhere next year. also you are going to burn the oak? you are either very stupid, or a liar.
Or he's not a tree huggin' hippy. bongsmilie


Active Member
Benassi for the win! I kinda figured one would show up. Don't worry CC, the 8 billion other oak trees around will make up for it. Besides, oak is the best to burn, doesn't gag up your chimney. Whaddya suggest I burn, pine? You obviously know nothing about burning wood. In your honor I just might go cut a few more down for the fuck of it.

I'm surrounded by em, no better places to plant.

IMO, if you live in a house you have no right to be a tree hugger, cause you know what it's made of?:roll:

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
my house is made from recycle plastic bottles that i have personally gathered. it took me quite a spell to get them together. i used my bicycle to collect them,since i do not believe in using autos. the hardest part was getting them all into the tree. i lost a sandle or two climbing up, and would have to climb back down to get it, and start all over. i dont think my neighbors like that i shyte in a bucket and pour it over the rail, but oh well. i'm in love with a woman and her name is mother nature!:peace::joint:bongsmilie

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
you cut down an oak tree, probably over 100 years old, cuz it might, drop an acorn on a branch? the tree lives on and on and on. the marijuana could be planted elsewhere next year. also you are going to burn the oak? you are either very stupid, or a liar.

my house is made from recycle plastic bottles that i have personally gathered. it took me quite a spell to get them together. i used my bicycle to collect them,since i do not believe in using autos. the hardest part was getting them all into the tree. i lost a sandle or two climbing up, and would have to climb back down to get it, and start all over. i dont think my neighbors like that i shyte in a bucket and pour it over the rail, but oh well. i'm in love with a woman and her name is mother nature!:peace::joint:bongsmilie

Sure it is. Thanks for the morning laugh bro. I'm all for mother nature, even though she is a real cunt, lol. So I take it you don't use TP either huh? :peace:


Active Member
Amen bro. Thanks to the oil, gas and elec. companies jacking their prices, everyone and their mother went out and bought wood stoves, so a cord of 16" split oak here is about $350 right now. 2 years ago $275, it's ridiculous. Screw that, I have 150 acres I can do what I will with, and that includes me cutting and splitting to save thousands each year. Your damn right I'm cutting them sumbitches down.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i was just messing with you.

as a man, the dominant species you are allowed to basically do whatever you want. i'm sorry if i peed in ur lemonade. cut down the whole forest.


Active Member
I knew you were screwing around bro, just look at that burger in ur av!:eyesmoke:

Besides, no stoner is that motivated.bongsmilie