I want your spider-mites


i just put some in a envelope for you hope they survive !!
Thxbrahh, but in all seriousness I have been looking for 2 weeks now locally with no luck. I figured I would give this a shot.

You really could put them in something and meet me at a coffee shop in E.L. if you're nervous..

Don't think I'll find anyone willing though, not a snowballs chance in hell.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure someone would be willing, it's not like spidermites are illegal.

Offer up like a case of beer for their efforts and I'm sure someone will bite. Hell, for a case of beer I could probably get some AIDS off craigslist, lol.


New Member
If your going to transfer mites you need to keep them cold so they go dormant. If you want something thats hard to kill your on the rite track. msu has some im sure. they have a huge botany department I find it hard to believe you cant find it at school.


If your going to transfer mites you need to keep them cold so they go dormant. If you want something thats hard to kill your on the rite track. msu has some im sure. they have a huge botany department I find it hard to believe you cant find it at school.
I can find them at school, however; I would like no one to know that I am experimenting with spider-mites. If any of you go to state you know why.


Well-Known Member
I can find them at school, however; I would like no one to know that I am experimenting with spider-mites. If any of you go to state you know why.
You can order predatory mites online. They will send you a envelope with their eggs they use them to nom nom on spider mites that ruin plants.


You can order predatory mites online. They will send you a envelope with their eggs they use them to nom nom on spider mites that ruin plants.
You missed the reason for this thread, I need spider mites, not predatory mites. I need to experiment with them on a particular plant.


I think your trying to create a supermite bio weapon. Got a beef with someone do ya?
Lol, no bioweapons here dude. We have been experimenting with different genotypes and cross breeds in our pollen room.

Thread is closed now, I found some mites :D

Thanks for (kind of) helping.


Well-Known Member
wish someone would send me spider-mites I love somoking them,one of the only reasons i smoke.Better then crack and twice the high


Whoever sent the envelope, you didn't seal it... no mites arrived to which I was very disappointed.

The fedex package arrived but had pictures of you and another person with only belts on and masks... kind of weird bro, but I enjoyed it.