I want to remove some of the leaves on my plant.


I want to remove some of the leaves on my plant but don't want to stress it out. Which ones do I remove and which do I leave alone? I'm 2 months into veg stage. Also how often do I give nutrients to my plant.


Well-Known Member
If you want a defoliator to help you out you'll need to post a picture.

Also, your first question should have been about giving nutrients to your plant as that's more important than cutting off the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I want to remove some of the leaves on my plant but don't want to stress it out. Which ones do I remove and which do I leave alone? I'm 2 months into veg stage. Also how often do I give nutrients to my plant.
No offense. Please post a normal or white light photo any all plants you wish to have scrutinized. Then X is right as the subsequent step to a speedy answer or deeper confusion. LOL. But pics please.


No offense. Please post a normal or white light photo any all plants you wish to have scrutinized. Then X is right as the subsequent step to a speedy answer or deeper confusion. LOL. But pics please.
With that being said, I will keep the leaves. My thought was so it would get better light to lower leaves. I'm not a pro and I've only done this a handful of times with no more than 2 plants at once. My goal is to have big healthy buds and getting more than a half ounce off of one plant after its dried. I dont check my ph as I know I should and I dont worry about the temperature in the tent I use. I really dont know what I'm doing when I add nutrients I just don't put what the directions say to. I do half of that. I water about once a week and I am using less than a gallon of water in each plant. I've dealt with light burn and nutrient burn and worked thru it. I know a little but I don't know alot. I've grown some really good pot and some shitty pot. I ask questions to get answers cause knowledge is power. I dont sell my weed I just smoke it and give some to friends. I don't know the name or strain of these plants. The seeds come from dispensery pot that I've purchased. My tent is 4×6 ft and I have a fan and exhaust goin on. So, any advice is welcome for sure.



Well-Known Member
With that being said, I will keep the leaves. My thought was so it would get better light to lower leaves. I'm not a pro and I've only done this a handful of times with no more than 2 plants at once. My goal is to have big healthy buds and getting more than a half ounce off of one plant after its dried. I dont check my ph as I know I should and I dont worry about the temperature in the tent I use. I really dont know what I'm doing when I add nutrients I just don't put what the directions say to. I do half of that. I water about once a week and I am using less than a gallon of water in each plant. I've dealt with light burn and nutrient burn and worked thru it. I know a little but I don't know alot. I've grown some really good pot and some shitty pot. I ask questions to get answers cause knowledge is power. I dont sell my weed I just smoke it and give some to friends. I don't know the name or strain of these plants. The seeds come from dispensery pot that I've purchased. My tent is 4×6 ft and I have a fan and exhaust goin on. So, any advice is welcome for sure.
No offense from me. A bit short and honest is my intent. Your girls are over watered. And some air will help from pot level. I see no real issues I can call while this wet. Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
I want to remove some of the leaves on my plant but don't want to stress it out. Which ones do I remove and which do I leave alone? I'm 2 months into veg stage. Also how often do I give nutrients to my plant.
I'm in the 'not-a-fan' of defoliation 'just because' camp. Unless you are doing a tight SOG or SCROG or something where you're trying to push some limits in using every inch available and know you will run into crowding issues like with mold or something... And keep in mind when you flip to flowering, they're going to stretch and what looks bushy now won't stay bushy. But that's, like, just my opinion on the subject man. Don't really think it hurts the plants much either since most growers provide their plants with more than enough nutrients to replace what was stored in the leaves and then some and the plants will replace what was lost pretty quickly (which includes growing more leaves).


Well-Known Member
I'm in the 'not-a-fan' of defoliation 'just because' camp. Unless you are doing a tight SOG or SCROG or something where you're trying to push some limits in using every inch available and know you will run into crowding issues like with mold or something... But keep in mind when you flip to flowering, they're going to stretch and what looks bushy now won't stay bushy. But that's, like, just my opinion on the subject man. Don't really think it hurts the plants much either since most growers provide their plants with more than enough nutrients to replace what was stored in the leaves and then some and the plants will replace what was lost pretty quickly (which includes growing more leaves).
TY for a sensible post. Agreed. Although an avid "BUTCHER" here. And I say don't cut anything above the 5th node.