I want to know!....


Well-Known Member
Just a thought but, I know plants will only except certain chemicals and nuits up through its roots but what i want to know is if i specifically wanted to add/ change the flavour to a certain type of fruit for example, like bannana, if i seperated the liquid from the mass, I know the plants roots cant feed on it BUT.......... If i was to say INJECT it in small dosages into the main stem above the roots would the plant indeed then use the added flavour to change the taste of the buds?? have been thinking of this for a while....I know bannana offers potassium which can benifit growth at certain stages so would my idea work provided I INJECTED the liquid bannana extract at the time the plant would benifit from it most ............................ALL COMMENTS, VIEWS, AND INPUT WILL BE HAPPILY NOTED! many thanks :leaf:STELTHY:leaf:


Active Member
Im not quite sure if this would work me personally have never tried it but if remember i think there was a joke going around about bananas on this forum i read months back i almost wanna say no it doesn't if your looking for a sweeter taste or anything like that i would say your best bet is molases(sorry not sure on spelling) that would be your best bet!


Well-Known Member
It would only be for an experiment, I have many more random ideas of cross breeding and genetic play, but at the moment this is the one ive been thinking about most.. you mentioned mollasses? where can i buy it, what is it? whats it supposed to be used for and how will it benifit my plant? whens the best time to apply it? and how much per liter? do i have to do anything to it or just put it straight in my 5l hydro-pots ?? - STELTHY :)


Well-Known Member
Sod it! Lol, i am going to try it :) i will also look at other fruits and organic smell and flavours and read up on the ones that carry chemicals accepted by plants, even if i have to modify the genetics slightly, just bought some hyperdermic needles so ill start this some time next week, also i read for plants like roses you can add organic inks and food dye to change the colour of the flower, depending on how my experiment to change the flavour/smell goes i may try to change the plants leaves & buds pigment to red or orange..just for fun, - stelthy


Use the Blackstrap molasses all the way through veg and flowering. 1tbs a gallon..mix it in some warm water and use cool water to cool it down before using. IT WORKS!!!