I want to get Seeds(Must read


Active Member
fuck a male plant period just use clones to grow ur next harvest and smoke the good shit. u want all female plants no seeds in them just realy good tasting bud


Active Member
1. Do I need a male weed to grow close(not in the same soil) to a female weed so they can have sex and then the female will produce seed?
If so... How do I know when it have seed,take it out.?

2. After the female produce her seed can I smoke it after getting the seeds??

3. If I plant a seed and it grow in a pot,in a area where there alot of different plant in it area(not weed) that are male, what would that do to my female weed?

4. I heard that if there is male weed,the female weed will turn into a male??

5. Can You smoke the male weed??

6. Do you water the weed more than 30 minute non stop? / How much amount of water?
Everyday ?? the same exact time right?
7.What do you recommend for me since I Got only 5 seed? /I need more?

8. What can you feed your weed?/Milk,etc?/How many time and day?

1. You shouldn't have them grow so close. Otherwise the female will just grow seeds. What I suggest is to collect pollen from the male, and put it on the lower branches of the female. Look online to see how to collect pollen. Make sure you put it on the bottom branches, so the pollen can't fall onto other parts of the plant. If the whole plant gets pollinated, you can't smoke it.

2. You can smoke the parts that haven't been pollinated. This is why you only pollinate the bottom.

3. I don't think anything will happen. But I'm not sure.

4. The female won't turn into a male. But she will get pollinated.

5. You can smoke the male weed. The only thing is, most growers get rid of male plants. This is because if males and females are in the same grow space, the males will pollinate the females. As I said, pollinated females will not flower, so you can't smoke them. So you can only have one sex in the same grow space. Males have less THC, so they are the ones that are ditched. So in the very likely event that you get both males and females, you will need to either have two grow areas, or ditch the males.

6. Water the plant when the soil is somewhat dry. Use a spray bottle. You won't accidentally flood the plant this way. Just put your finger on the soil. If it's moist, don't water. If it feels somewhat dry, give it a few mists.

7. You can try feminizing the seeds. I know that if the seeds are exposed to Carbon Monoxide for 24 hours, they will grow into females. Now, I have no idea if this will work, and it's just something I thought of when I was bored. Turn on your car, and put a bottle right onto the tailpipe. The Carbon Monoxide will go into the bottle. Get a lot in there, and then quickly put the seeds in and close the bottle. Wait 24 hours, and they should be feminized. I don't know if this will work, but it sounds like it would.
If you want more seeds, you need to mate a male and female. Collect pollen and put it on a lower branch of a females.

8. I don't know anything about nutrients.


Active Member
I'm sorry if i talk like a pendejo.......... English is not mine first Language....

thnx. I will read more and ask more so I can be ready.

I plan to grow my first plant tomorrow and keep planting until I get good at it and be ready.

I got a forest to cover me so I'm good, and I never been caught before especially when I'm growing it out of the property I live in. 1

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
How many time I have to say Im a new beginner? I came here to learn everything I can. I may not have grown before but it never to late to start, and I sold weed before years ago but never grew it myself.

Just please answer my question because I got alot of different answer, not sure what is really what I need to do to grow a weed that produce seed and able to smoke.

.My friend told me that you don't need a male weed for the female weed to produce seed. Is this true?????????

ok you can make seeds without a male. In fact there are bunch of people on this sight that say you can make feminized seeds from the pollen of a stressed out female. I am testing the theory now so I dont know if the seeds will be female or hermy
Light changes are the easiest way to get a female plant to spit out a some male pollen sacks with out gibberelic acid. I was told you need to pollinate a different plant then the one you got the pollen from to create fem seeds. Again I am in the process of testing this theory. I did stress out a big bang and a superfast bagseed I had and got some pollen off of them. I put the pollen on the other(big bang x bagseed and bagseed x big bang) to see what would happen and I did end up with a dozen tiger striped seeds off of my bagseed but havent harvested the big bang yet.
So yes you can get seeds from all females but I dont know if they are any good...

the pollen was taken off of these plants in the second week of flowering and here they are now
picture 1=the stressed/pollinated big bang(only 2 branches) at 8 weeks of flowering(yesterday)
picture 2= the stressed/pollinated bagseed uncured



Well-Known Member

Finally someone answer my question. THANK you.

I'm wondering if I have to water my plant everyday?

My friend told me almost everyday,and some told me not to water it too much..

I want to water it with water not milk lol but is it everyday?

is 1 gallon of water ok each day?

how long should I water the plant if I'm trying to grow 5 seed??
No, you don't want to water everyday or else your plant will drown. What you want to do is water your plant until a little bit of water comes out the drainage holes at the bottom of your pot. When you see a little bit of water come out the bottom you know the whole pot got wet. Once you know the whole pot got wet pick up the pot and get an idea of how heavy it is. Then poke your finger into the soil and feel how damp it feels. After you know how heavy it is and how damp it feels you have a guide to work from. Wait a day or 2 and pick up your pot again and also feel the soil again. If it feels considerably lighter(not just a little bit lighter but a lot lighter) and the soil feels fairly dry then you can water again. Cannabis is a very resilient plant it can handle a couple dry days. What it cannot do is learn how to breathe underwater. Water only when you feel that it is dry. There is no set amount as to how much water to put into the pot. Add water until you see a little bit drain out the bottom.


Active Member
Since you water the plant every 4 or 3 day in a big pot. How many time you water your plant if you are growing it out of the soil from the Earth?(no pot)

How can I tell If I'm watering it too much if I'm not using a pot????


Active Member
I just planted 2 seed the problem is since I want it to be cover by other plant, I'm worry what going to happen... Because as I was digging a little hole to plant my seed I got some root of the other plant, I broke it and got it out but I'm sure there more root deeper where my baby going to grow.... WILL this effect my babies?


Well-Known Member
ya man sounds like you should grow indoors for your first run or just start it indoors and put it outside once it gets about a foot tall you have alot to learn about botony it sound like...


Active Member
ya man sounds like you should grow indoors for your first run or just start it indoors and put it outside once it gets about a foot tall you have alot to learn about botony it sound like...

wait wait... I thought that was a bad idea?? someone answer this for me please.

Can I grow my weed indoor until It get a foot tall and then put it outside(with a pot of course) ???
Won't that stressed out the plant and if so can I really grow it indoor using the sunlight through a window?

Because I don't got all that big equipment like those I seen on youtube.


Active Member
Is it possible to make a pot out of a plastic cup? Even though is small and I have to water it more then.............. Can it be done if I make a little hole in the cup to make it like a pot????


Active Member
Those look like nuts.. Sorry bro :sad: Of course I could be wrong, but maybe its herm? If its your only plant you could leave it go a little longer and see if its hermie? I dunno man, might need to start germin' another..
Can somone tell me what is hermi, hermie?

Can you plant more than 1 seed in 1 pot?

please help,my appreciation. thnx


Well-Known Member
listen man, all of these questions have been answered in the grow faq, top right.
And you can start a seed inside and transplant it outside, but you'll need a cfl or so.
The lighting is really simple, buy a light with a ballast and all you have to do is plug it in...


Active Member
listen man, all of these questions have been answered in the grow faq, top right.
And you can start a seed inside and transplant it outside, but you'll need a cfl or so.
The lighting is really simple, buy a light with a ballast and all you have to do is plug it in...
Listen my friend maybe I wasn't born with a normal speed rating brain but I did read alot of the stuff from the FAG(Top right) but I really don't understand 100% of what is saying such as this..

T1 (Hybrid clone) = (t1 x c1)
T, t, t1, and c1 are all variables of expression.

1. T1mom x T1male = T1F2
2. T1 x T1F2 = T1Bx1
3. T1 x T1Bx1 = T1Bx2
4. T1 x T1Bx2 = T1Bx3

5. T1Bx3 x T1Bx3 = T1Bx F

I try real hard in my spare time, but right now I'm looking for a job, and well let just say I'm looking for quick help answer since I cant really understand 100% of what is written and maybe a book for dummy would help..


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what FAQ you read with your quote up there, but try not looking at the breeding sections. All you need to know is put that shit in the ground a grow it, at your level.

Please don't take offense here, but it sounds to me like you got some quick idea like, "hey, I'm gonna grow some 20 foot tall plants and become a millionaire starting today!" It took me about 8 months of reading and sourcing parts and seeds just to get started on my first 2 seeds. Could you succeed as you are? Sure. Will you more likely fail unless you take the time to SLOW DOWN and read everything you can about what you want to do first? YES! So.. my advice to you is to look in the Forums for some outdoor grows or grow journals and just read them. The grow journals are very useful so you can see all of the issues a grower will encounter. That's what I did. I just read a ton of grow journals at first (and still do!) and SLOWLY answered all of my questions with them and related FAQs.

Oh yeah.. SLOW DOWN!!


Well-Known Member
The reason why I ask if you feed it with milk lol was because I have in some information on this site about giving nutrient to your plant. I wondering if you have to feed it to?/or just water it?

Normally I'm not this mean, but dude, you just made me laugh soo hard i almost pissed myself. You apparently DID NOT read the FAQ section otherwise you'd know exactly what we talk about when we say Nutrients....lol...heres a hint (N-P-K). Get to it guy. Do some research. look up grow videos.


Active Member
I'm not sure what FAQ you read with your quote up there, but try not looking at the breeding sections. All you need to know is put that shit in the ground a grow it, at your level.

Please don't take offense here, but it sounds to me like you got some quick idea like, "hey, I'm gonna grow some 20 foot tall plants and become a millionaire starting today!" It took me about 8 months of reading and sourcing parts and seeds just to get started on my first 2 seeds. Could you succeed as you are? Sure. Will you more likely fail unless you take the time to SLOW DOWN and read everything you can about what you want to do first? YES! So.. my advice to you is to look in the Forums for some outdoor grows or grow journals and just read them. The grow journals are very useful so you can see all of the issues a grower will encounter. That's what I did. I just read a ton of grow journals at first (and still do!) and SLOWLY answered all of my questions with them and related FAQs.

Oh yeah.. SLOW DOWN!!

lol dont worry I sound kind of stupid online but I'm thinking real good all calm right here. I bought 6 seed for 5 dollar My Mission is for my plant to produce more than 6 seed. I will probably see some bad result but in the end of the day as long I get more seed than what I bought then I will be happy because I understand I'm a beginner and got alot of knowledge to gain. I really dont like reading alot in the computer for some reason so that probably why I miss the part of the milk and nutrition part. I had read more today and I understand more, but My question I asked still got me..... I don't know but I guess I'm going a little too fast since 5 days ago planting my 2 first seed and yesterday planting my 3.

My question still is not answer though.
but thank everyone again


I have been watching, reading more on music and Marijuana on the Law.

ya man sounds like you should grow indoors for your first run or just start it indoors and put it outside once it gets about a foot tall you have alot to learn about botony it sound like...

wait wait... I thought that was a bad idea?? someone answer this for me please.

Can I grow my weed indoor until It get a foot tall and then put it outside(with a pot of course) ???
Won't that stressed out the plant and if so can I really grow it indoor using the sunlight through a window?

Because I don't got all that big equipment like those I seen on youtube.