I want to eat cat food


New Member
My fiancee and I thought this to ourselves, and then I saw O'Reilly do the same thing on his show. Don't ask me why I was watching O'Reilly....


Active Member
^^^^link to a test the army did on a cat now i'm sure that they od'ed the crap out of it that's why it's acting like that and can't stand up (and i dont' do acid or hard drugs) but it's something yall might want to check out WARNING THIS IS A VERY HARSH TESTnot for all ppl. and no i'm not from PETA i think peta stand's for ppl eatiing tasty animal's and ima go eat a piece of tasty pork in a minute and am an avid hunter but i don't think it was or is right for us to test drug's of any kind on a poor helpless cat fuck do it to the murderer's and rapists not the poor kitties and bunny's etc etc that's just my 2 cent's on the controversal act of testing on animal's


ROFL as soon as I saw this thread on my phone I go home and guess what is on my living room TV? THAT commercial hahahahaha