I want to buy a gun.


Well-Known Member
I want to buy a gun but i have a grow going on and don't know if its a good idea? Does anyone know where i could find some information on this?


Well-Known Member
Many states will add charges if u have a gun and produce illegally. It depends. I do competitive shooting every summer and own many guns. However I am medical compliant, my guns are locked in a safe and my grow is miles away and I don't openly carry or conceal. Its a touchy thing in Oregon ATM so I don't let the two commingle ever.


Well-Known Member
Also somewhat of a touchy thing where i live, it would be an additional charge. since my grow i've had my brother hold onto my gun and just got fox labs OC spray


Well-Known Member
Allways an additonal charge, no doubt, shoot someone in a house with a grow even if they are breaking in and they will bust your ass. I have several but no where near my grow for that very reason. Be careful you are better off with some pepper spray you can get on amazon will knock anyone to the ground.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind too that, if you do get raided, the news will love to mention your gun, even if it was legally registered and in a gun safe with a trigger and no bullets, there news story i going to read "Growhouse Raid: drugs and gun seized"

And if you already have a felony, it's probably not a good idea. If you had a REALLY good hiding place, I doubt it would get found in a search.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks for the advice guys i don't want to shoot any one or anything lol, i just would like to have one in case i needed it but i figured it would be a hefty additional charge if something happened but i was hoping there might be some type of a data base like normals to reference for my state drug/gun laws.


Well-Known Member
I am not to worried about getting raided I've been pretty stealthy about my grow, no one knows about it, i post from a proxy, i don't throw anything out in the trash, i don't sell or invite people over to smoke much any more, pretty much every one i know thinks i have quit smoking for financial reasons, and i'm even water curing my weed for stealth purposes, short of a fire happening at my house and the fire department getting called i cant see anything going wrong.

And although i have done all of this i still cant refrain from watching the garbage men take my trash lol.


Well-Known Member
Its likely to be more issue than anything. Makes me sick that I can't have both in the same place. I know many do but its just not with the risk. So I moved my garden. This allows me to protect my home and also removes a lot of a persona motive by putting what they're after miles down the road. The biggest thing if you do buy do it right. We don't need people hiving weed and guns worse names than they already have. Get a legally purchased and registered firearm and enroll in a saftey class through a local club or the NRA. Can never be too educated or safe with a firearm. There's a lot of hassle involved but its worth it to me. I just hope I can enjoy my full constitution someday. Til then ill commute to my garden and keep my guns locked up tight. We use 2dogs an alarm and cameras to keep the garden secure. Its a lot to deal with at first. But its important to me that I do it proper and don't give any bad names toward any culture


Well-Known Member
I wasn't going to purchase a gun off the street lol, if i have to end up using a gun i intend to be Justified so i wouldn't be needing a throw away gun, as far as the gun saftey goes though yeah i learned my lesson on that a few years ago, i was at a Halloween party where every one was wasted and this dude had brought a 9mm pistol well the gun kept getting passed around unloaded and every time i got it i checked the chamber to make sure it was not loaded, i must have checked the chamber 10 times that night, well the party goes on until the wee hours of the morning and i got passed the gun again and that time i did not check the chamber, in a room full of people i cocked the gun and pointed out of the window and fired it having no idea that the drunk bastard who had brought the gun had put the bullets back in it. I would like to think that i was simply smart enough to not point a gun at a person and pull the trigger but considering how drunk i was that night i am not sure that it was the case, either way i definitely have learned to treat every gun as a loaded gun.


Well-Known Member
Got lucky. Watched the neighbors kid take his friends life in his backyard playing with a .410. Had nightmares for years after the fact. Hard to watch a 9 year old bleed out knowing it could have been prevented had I looked outside 15 seconds sooner.


Active Member
I've heard of just keeping a shotgun loaded with rock-salt under the bed, but that's up here in Canada.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the people saying not to. It all boils down to what state you're in etc. The best thing you can do in any event though when it comes to legal questions is to just buckle down and consult a local and reputable lawyer about it. A firearm would most likely be a big no no just about anywhere.
But in most US states archery equipment isn't considered a firearm. My best friend is a convicted felon and that was his method of getting around the whole gun thing. A high powered crossbow with the right bolts can do massive damage if you know what you're doing with it.
It's a far fetched idea but it'd be better than throwing rocks at someone lol