I Want to Build My First LED Fixture

Room outlets in the US are 120v, so the receptacle shown above in Robinson's post has one Hot leg and one Neutral leg in addition to Ground. In France, room outlets have 220V so both legs are Hot, there is no Neutral.

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Did you get any information from GrafTech about thermal pads?
WTF. Of course there's a line, neutral and protective earth wire in the EU outlets. They just operate at higher voltage (either 220V or 230V; France as it happens @230V). Please don't post if you don't know your shit.
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...exist both posibilities you can have 220 from two lines ...from trifasic line... and you can have 220 from line and neutral... from trifasic too... then depend from what trifasic line voltage you start...

...the usual here its lines with neutral... but the other posibilities exist too... beware check first... diferents distribution trifasic lines... old... news... mixed...;)


e function actived...sorry ....fast

You either have 220V/230V between line (any phase) and neutral or 380V/400V between lines in tri-phase distribution. This of course applies to EU countries only (or the ones using the CENELEC standart) - such as France.
Use wago 222 413
Also check 222 412 , 222 415

You will need 3 x 222 413
Line neutral and ground
And a 3 pin plug with bare wire to go into wago

222 412 good to connect cob

Or do solder instead of wago

Also with line and neutral. If u want, check on your own. Sometime they do not wire the plugs in wall correctly and may switch line and neutral. thanks @salmonetin for advise
i am sure not many people check for this and their low power/ non commercial setups work just fine


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e function .... lol

...maybe with wago 222 500 or 222 505 too.... ;)



pd... for brave diyers... i saw...





e function disabled...

QUOTE="alesh, post: 11810246, member: 880244"]I'm sorry for being such an asshole but it's good to be informed well when dealing with AC outlets.[/QUOTE]
I agree and I will put my electrician screwdriver in the plug if I find it...or maybe with my mother in law tongue or my son's finger...anyway all those method stayed safe for me...lol
Have a great day ★