I wanna know how to build a simple SoG Room


I've heard alot about this Sea of green method ,And harvesting every 2 weeks etc. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with making myself one. What exactly do I need to set up the room I've been using a 76x76x76 Mylar lined tent I ordered off amazon , But Im wanting to start harvesting more often and this method just sounds awesome . I wont be building nothing ginormous I just wanna do about 10-20 plants at a time. If anyone can help ill greatly appreciate it.


Active Member
You'll need both a vegging and flowering area, the vegging being where you keep the mother and her clones, as the clones become ready you line them up in strips inside the flowering room every few weeks (depending on how long your strain takes to flower). This will give the effect that every few weeks, more plants go in and more come out, like a production line.
For instance if you use 4 strips staggered every 2 weeks, by the time strip A is ready at week 8 another strip goes in to replace her, then B is ready two weeks later and another goes in.]
0 - A in
2 - B in
4 - C in
6 - D in
8 - A out E in