i used to think strain was important, now i dont.

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you must be kinda thinking that you are wrong pal, no one has even hinted at agreement with you , when the entire thread is telling you that you might be holding the wrong end of the stick, i think you may have shit on your fingers mate, have a quick look....
There is no reason you should hold "rare elites" its a fucking plant that grows from the earth it is not yours and it would cost you nothing to give to some one.

So , the guy who spent a couple hundred bucks on some beans (**that anyone can have delivered to the front door of there home) and several months and dollars worth of dirt , light and time to find that elite pheno.
Your saying he is a very bad man for hoarding his hard work..??? Do you hear yourself..???
Put in the hard work and you can have some shit to brag about.

Elite pheno (pink JTR) took two 10pks and some luck..

hey, it's fine i know people want to cherish their strains because they worked so hard to acquire them. But the test is simple you will see how i came up with it after the first twelve chapters of a general chemistry book. Any general chemistry book (college level) they all teach you the same shit. who here has used shooting powder moab and bud factor x? or pure flower liquid karma big bud/bud xl? together?
i have shit to brag about thats what this thread is about, not needing to get lucky, and no he shouldn't hoard. Greed begets evil the philosophy of cannabis culture is the exact opposite.
yes, additives are steroids in my mind. There is no reason you should hold "rare elites" its a fucking plant that grows from the earth it is not yours and it would cost you nothing to give to some one.

In your mind , small world that must be ! Most Additives are simply supplements , not steroids lmao .. Thats like saying my childrens Flintstone Chewables can be classified as Anabolics lmfao .. I do enjoy selling these products to the mass of believers such as yourself , the extra revenue is a great supplement in sales and dollars ..

There is a good reason for some to hold Elite Cuts , one is to protect them from Idiots such as yourself and the biggest reason is due to respect of the breeders who made them or the ones who took the time and did the work to find these gems , these are Man made products .. Surely nobody owns land , yet we have Property deeds and the likes .. Imagine that one Chief Dumb Fuck ..
that made no sense, in fact that response was so incoherant i cant even imagine what your were trying to say to give you the benefit of the doubt. the image you have pictured is what noobs pray to achieve by the looks of it that plant is a pretty good strain (thats why your grew it and took a picture of it).
I partly agree with you, the whole thightly held elite cuts story seems to me a lot contradictory whith what i always considered to be the spirit of marijuana growing and breeding..We are fighting so hard to make this plant legal and to spread it in many countries, while in the same cannabis comunity many cuts are off limits because some some big heads keep them closed in the safe..I think the problem (in their perspective) could be the loss of value and uniqueness that theese plants would have if everyone would grow them..It's a form of collections (like with the comics, there are flawed editions which worth 10x the same exact correct print only because they have an error in the colours..if every print had that error noone would even notice that..)...I think we need to step up a bit from this childish mentality, even because if you gift a clone to a friend you still have your plant to grow out and smoke, and the fact that u refuse to pass around some cuts clearly shows that u are far more interested in the image of u and only u having that elite clone, than the cut itself...

Coming to your statement that strain is not important, let's say that the name of the strain is not important, and many times misleading...But if what u're sayng is that u can take bad quality seedbag and rise up to 20 % thc with the right additives and ferts u are completely wrong...The most potent buds i have smoked were grown outdoors without any AN, GHE, Canna or whatever shit, and they were always good genetics with a strong genetic predisposition to bring out a specific resin and terpenic profile... Moreover you are talking like the thc % is the only important thing in a strain, while i think it's quite the opposite...It's the type of high, smell and taste which is the biggest difference among the strains...Most of the courrent genetics will produce strong medications, but sometimes u can find something very unique, whith a specific trait that u would never have expected to find.. I think this is the nice thing about growing cannabis and plants in general, the random component of genes rearrangement.. And for such reason i firmly belive that you should not worry too much about the elite cut show and related business, but rather create your own unique plants, for example:
u like og kush because u smoked the elite cut of a friend of yours, and u want that clone so hard but there is no way u will ever have it...so what ?? Buy some og beans from some seedbank and i bet u will find something close to the one u smoked but with some specific traits that will make that strain unique for you...and you will have a Noobthumb OG which is in my opinion far better than chasing the one and only elite..
However just my view of things...
mrueeda if you take a good cutting from a plant with good genetics i can with additives have it produce the same thc levels as an elite strain(25-26 %)
that made no sense, in fact that response was so incoherant i cant even imagine what your were trying to say to give you the benefit of the doubt. the image you have pictured is what noobs pray to achieve by the looks of it that plant is a pretty good strain (thats why your grew it and took a picture of it).

Bull Shit on both calls , ramble as you like .. It is your thread after all , I could really care less but will point out Bull Shit when need be .. On the second note , the photos shown were of several test plants that I grew . Not one plant as you indicated .. I photo document all my test grows , and that was a show of several different Hybrids .. So obviously you dont know shit and are still talking shit ..
OP is so drunk on his own noobness, he's delusional. You guys are wasting your time arguing with an idiot like that. Lmao, additives. More like snake oil for dumbass noobs.
So in your opinion there is no actual limit to the thc % ? Or u are stating that pretty much all genetics can reach the same maximum levels ? either way i do not agree...U made the example of muschles in human body...Not all the people react the same way to steroids...The ones with a good genetic predisposition will develop more mass than the others, there's always a genetic diversity...
In addition to this i could not care less of the thc %...it's only a parameter which gives a really poor representation of the quality of the weed, ie. potent strains that taste like shit...However if u really like doing some math consider that in a joint made with that superpotent 25% weed you inhale a certain quantity of thc A, smoking the same quantity of 15% weed (which is probably highly affordable with many genetics available) u will get a quantity of thc equal to 0.6A, roll a bigger joint and u will have your superpotent weed...And moreover the world is full of elite cuts with potency levels far lower from that ones, and commercial strains that are around 20 %...That would make u stand that there's far more in cannabis than just thc quantity..
with the right regimen of "nutes" potency doesn't matter just flavor. Ill make an analogy, wild turkey 101 and vodka 100p, i like bourbon but the vodka will get me just as drunk. you can take Ghost og and have a (best case scenario) 26-27 percent thc i can take white kush and with the right regimen get the same outcome with more bud.


Are you sure you've grown before....?
Because if you've had grown"umpteen"strains you couldn't make statements like the ones you've made.
Do you think with nutrients.....you can create a super steroid plant.....more than people who dont use the newer products on the market? And that potency is measured in thc percentage only!!??!!
I dont even comprehend the statement that people who smoked weed in the 60's and 70's are somehow not able to handle the potency of today's marijuana!!!!?????!!!!

New products on the market, such as advanced nutrients,fox farm line....dont make weed more potent!

All nutrients can do, at best, is maximize the genetic potential of that specific strain.....it cant make it more potent than that! Actually, too many people are using way too much nutrients to try to harvest the most weed....but so often i see pictures of plants ready to harvest that are deep emerald green! Though this may yield slightly more the quality is poor....harsh, burns the throat, makes the high irritating....
I say a good standard of quality is, if you can smoke an ounce of one strain....it still tastes good, gets you high and hasen't harshed your throat!
Now as far as thc....some plants can have 25% thc and not be that strong, effect wise, as another strain that has 18% thc.
Thc is not a measure of effect......you could have two strains with identical amounts of thc....one being indica(for a simple example), and the other sativa. Each will affect you completely different.
Thats all that needs to be said on that.
Now as far as people who are older that smoked in the 60's and 70', im not one of them, but they had some steller strains back then from what i've heard, and what i've personally smoke growing up in the tail end of that era smoking in the 80's.
There were some strains back then that blow this shit today out of the water!!!!
And there was a lot of crappy weed to! But all the way up till around 2000, there was great weed and genetics!
So if you've grown up growing in post 2000, unfortunately you did not experience the pinnical of marijuana potency, flovor, uniqueness!!! Sorry about that....but i blame it on cali.....they got geedy, cloned strains instead of further quality breeding....then it went all down hill to where were at today.....weak shit!!!!!!
All the seeds i get today, just keep getting weaker, back in the day of Emery(what an asshole) the seed stock was still pretty good....and progressively went down from there!!!!
Well said, even if i think that there was good weed before 2000 and there is good weed today...And in my opinion thc % is an indicator of potency, but not of the effect..Generally speaking more cannabinoids=more effect, but the type of high cannot be reported on the paper...I see u in particular on one point, true breeders are always more rare, the market and the hype behind the fucking elite clones has privileged mainly pollen chuckers which S1 elites or cross 2 clone only to sell the offspring to the masses...this is a bit sad...
@noobthumb87 ...:finger: .....i see what you have done here, you just want attention, i think you may have ODD or some other disorder.

i think you know enough to know that all these people are not stupid or winding you up and any normal guy would have conceded or at least agreed to disagree , unsubbed! CBA !
I bet your Critical Mass is less then 15% tested by a REAL lab!!!! Your method of testing is not accurate i tried it. Got 32% on something in the high teens....
hmm i believe strain is the single most important thing to worry about with light then nutes and soil behind that... each strain has a peak THC content that it wont exceed specific to that strain. some strains are stronger than others and no matter how well you grow them they wont get any stronger past a certain point.
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