I tried EVERYTHING!! WHat is the problem!? *PICS*


Well-Known Member
I am using GH nutes... at 1000PPM...

My pH is 5.7

Temps are 75-77

24hour light cycle.

Aero tank. (no light gets to roots, and i have airation in water)

The water temp stays the same and is nice and cold.. (68*)



Well-Known Member
Try moving the ph up a little. If you are giving the plants nutes then its your ph. They are not getting the nutes because of the ph.


Well-Known Member
i would bet on magensium def.......

remember this, you can feed, feed, change this or that, with a mag def, nothing will help......

i wish u the best


Well-Known Member
How do I adjust my ph up or down?

Adding PH up and down is not an answer

You can use chemical PH adjusters or just lemon juice/apple cider vinegar for down and dolamite lime/baking soda for PH up. If you find that you need to adjust the PH alot something is wrong.