I totally think Im a hippy....


Well-Known Member
I don't know, it just dawned on me.... well any way I am, right??
Well let's see...

Do you go days without washing? attend Burning Man no matter what?

Go to Rainbow Gatherings and hug people all day? Smell like Patchouli?

Forget to shave every month? Listen to the Dead all day? Sit in love circles and chant..ummmmmmm?

If so you may be a hippie, and I like it:joint: all but the not washing part...that's just gross,take a shower hippie!


Well-Known Member
I can tell you that none of those things are required to be a hippie.... unless you follow the stereotype... I wash with homemade organic soaps that don't use animal byproducts, Im not really sure whoe Burning Man is... rainbow gatherings have become part of the mainstream, so they are no longer graced with my presence. I smell like pot, and not just my clothes and such, my sweat too, no I don't wear deodorant. I shave about 5 times a month, I listen to the dead, just not all day every day, I would say just occasionally. I am fond of love circles with close friends... though we never call it that, usually we refer to it as the rotation... I bath practically every day! but I do need to take a shower right now.... so I guess right now I am a dirty hippie, eh? lol


Well-Known Member
If you are getting mugged and your first thought is "oh god, take it all just don't hurt me plllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" then you are a hippie. If you first thought is "I wonder if I can get to the .380 in my pocket before this asshole sticks me" then you are a man.


Well-Known Member
60's hippies didn't say "totally" as I recall it (DC area) . . . I totally think that's a late 80's-early 90's expression, related to the valley girl movement.


Well-Known Member
60's hippies didn't say "totally" as I recall it (DC area) . . . I totally think that's a late 80's-early 90's expression, related to the valley girl movement.
Yeah, and most of the freaks running around in the sixties weren't hippies either... the ones that didn't say totally.... here lets define hippie ok?

hippie is derived from hip which means:
1.familiar with or informed about the latest ideas, styles, developments, etc.: My parents aren't exactly hip, you know. 2.considered aware of or attuned to what is expected, esp. with a casual or knowing air; cool: The guy was not at all hip—a total nerd. 3.in agreement or willing to cooperate; going along: We explained our whole plan, and she was hip.
thus hippie means:
A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.

there you go. In the 60's going out into the streets and puffing a joint while flashing the peace sign was pretty much a conventional standard. There we go... those are dictionary definitions... my own personal definition would have been a little different....

Collie Buddz

Active Member
According to that definition I'm a hippie too! Exciting. Apparently I look Jimi Hendrix though so it's not too surprising, that and I love pot.:weed: