I thought Republicans were for deregulation...


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that all or any republicans agree with this guy but how the hell does he get elected as with insane ideas and logic like this?


So his logic is as follows. We need to completely stop illegal immigration because every drug deal has some point helped by illegal immigration. However he notes that even stopping illegal immigration won't stop drug dealing. Then he says, in effect, we need to test every...all the time for drugs. THEN he says, well we repealed alcohol prohibition because we couldn't handle the violence and that the detriment to society was not as bad as the violent crimes. However because there are lots of violent crimes with illegal drugs we need to ramp up enforcement. Huh?

how does any politician of any party get elected with this ass-backwards logic?


Well-Known Member
No, Republicans love regulations but just on things they think need regulations.
which is about 50% of everything, The Dem's have the other 50%.

This guy is part of the problem,
I mean Republicans are supposed to be for smaller government.
The party of personal responcibility.
This guy needs to be shuffled off to old neo-con land.

Maybe we can get him on Peter Griffins new show.
It would be perfect for him, Well I would enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
Republics aren't republicans/conservatives in the same sense anymore. They are all very moderate for the most part...

Sad to see, but it is the truth.
As a real thinking conservative Republican I must say that I am ashamed to be in the same party as the above moron. Though some parts of his arguement are factual. Black market cross border drug distributors, gangesters, and the like are often undocumented Mexicans. The border gangs are scary, distablizing the counrty of Mexico etc.

But all that should be the arguement for legalization. Every conservative arguement against federal regulation, harmful government interference, unconstitutional laws, despotism, etc apply.

I wish Republicans would start using their own logic as regards the drug war.
As a real thinking conservative Republican I must say that I am ashamed to be in the same party as the above moron. Though some parts of his arguement are factual. Black market cross border drug distributors, gangesters, and the like are often undocumented Mexicans. The border gangs are scary, distablizing the counrty of Mexico etc.

But all that should be the arguement for legalization. Every conservative arguement against federal regulation, harmful government interference, unconstitutional laws, despotism, etc apply.

I wish Republicans would start using their own logic as regards the drug war.


New Member
I don't think this guy is inline with what I call the "new" republican party, hes one of the old guard that needs to go. It would be nice to see republicans get back to some of their core values.

I agree with everyone that has posted thus far, lol! Thats got to be a record for the politics forum!


Well-Known Member
His views on this on issue are that of a Neo-Con........period. Republican may be the little box his ass got elected under, but true conservatives would never concur with that guy's point of view. This is what so many people just don't seem to understand. Republican *inequals sign* conservative. The last several years of the Bush administration was hardly distinguishable from the Democrats, (except maybe national defense) and people like myself, who don't stray from their core values had as much a part in making sure that "more of the same" didn't get rewarded with 4 years in the White House.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Defining political parties is always an interesting subject. Anyone that thinks they own your body, your labor and your property scares me regardless of what they choose to call themselves. Political parties try to advance agendas through the force of government, trading the "right" to fuck you over every few years between them...

How did he get elected? Probably by appealing to his constituents emotional side...he's gonna clean up all those welfare cheats by making them take drug tests etc. He's not gonna let any scary drug dealing foreigners in to his apple pie America etc. Run for your life there's a terrorist under your bed etc. He's the same kind of dickhead that will talk freedom out of one side of his mouth while trying to mold you to what HE thinks you should be...."stand up and salute that flag NOW boy, this is America and we're free here!"


Active Member
Defining political parties is always an interesting subject. Anyone that thinks they own your body, your labor and your property scares me regardless of what they choose to call themselves. Political parties try to advance agendas through the force of government, trading the "right" to fuck you over every few years between them...

How did he get elected? Probably by appealing to his constituents emotional side...he's gonna clean up all those welfare cheats by making them take drug tests etc. He's not gonna let any scary drug dealing foreigners in to his apple pie America etc. Run for your life there's a terrorist under your bed etc. He's the same kind of dickhead that will talk freedom out of one side of his mouth while trying to mold you to what HE thinks you should be...."stand up and salute that flag NOW boy, this is America and we're free here!"
Since you had to ask, Republicans are mostly the old rich, redneck, paranoid schizo's, who want to control everything to work out to their benefit because they feel everything belongs to them. They're mostly a bunch of delusional human beings who have no real good idea's about how to fix problems logically, (unless the problem is them not getting richer) but they do know how to give alot of moral criticizm and be controlling from they're high seats. (like little, modern day, less powerful, hitlers running around).


Well-Known Member
Too bad more of the same did get elected to the White House.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
No kidding, but a more magnified version of it. Control over everything and everyone seems to be the M.O. of the current douchebag though. It's my feeling, that the country HAD to learn a lesson the hard way, and to live through 4 years of liberalism in order to understand the true threat to liberty is truly is. With as many things the current administration is doing to undermine individual liberty and capitalism, I have my doubts that even a true conservative in the White House 4 years from now would be able to undo all the damage that's been done. Be it forcing TARP money at banks that try to refuse it, GPS monitoring devices in your car, stacking the deck permanently by gerrymandering congressional districts via the census bureau, kissing the Saudi king's hand like one of his subjects, government shareholding in private corporations and propping them up when they fail, or more forced "charity" in the form of higher taxation, I struggle to find ANYTHING this administration has done so far that I would deem "good" for our country.


New Member
We can start turning things around with the 2010 elections. Somehow, someway, we must oust every fascist/Marxist leaning politician from both houses of Congress ... no matter their political party.

I'm planning on attending my local T.E.A. party on July 4th ... are you?



Elite Rolling Society
I wish the Libertarians could seize the opportunity now.

Seems right now that the Republicans
are trying to decide what they do stand for.

The Dems
are sure kicking their asses!



New Member
I think employers should have the right to drug test. Of the four types, the one that I didn't agree with was the "reasonable suspicion". All that would take is a boss that didn't like your ass to run you down to the test place whenever he wanted. Pre employment testing, post accident testing and random testing should be an employers right. He is entitled to a drug free work environment. If one likes drugs more than an income, well that is ones choice. There needs to be a better test for cannibis to accurately tell if one is under it's influence at the time of testing, or it is just lingering residue from the previous days ingestion. Since cannabis stays in the body for such a long time without any mind altering properties, testing for cannibis could get one fired for smoking one joint a week previously, not exactly fair. What a person does away from the workplace should not be of concern to the management. If an employee is busting a Joint at lunchtime, that should be in the employers concerns as their after lunch performance could be altered. I just heard of a guy that went to his car at lunch, smoked a "J" and came back stoned, took the trash out, sliced his hand emptying the trash, and had to piss test. They are reviewing his case right now as to whether to fire him or not. He is currently on light duty and workmans comp so I believe they'll wait untill he is off that to fire him, but in this case, I feel they are fully justified. It is costing them money. They have to pay him for not working and pay for a guy to replace him, all because he valued getting high over work.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Out at the prison we had one dude, a guard, getting drunk in the cell with inmates.
Stumbleing out of the prison an hour and a half AFTER his shift was over. He gave stake knives to inmates,
did coke after work. He was a peice of shit. It took damn near and act of congress to get rid of him.

Another dude got caught shoplifting 3 times, then his fat ass got caught dressed up like a ninja
trying to steal from his own house to get insurance money. + he was an incompetent boob.

Unions are real nice, but sometimes your like damn.

As for libertarians, we are making progress like never before, IMO.
The Republicans are in trouble, I'm hoping to replace a few Republicans in 2010
Rand Paul is gonna run for senate I bet, he will announce tonite on Rachel Maddow, I think.
We got several others running for congress as Ron Paul Republicans.
Republicans are getting real passive aggressive towards Ron Paul republicans.
Republicans are out trying to "find themselves" but Ron Paul people never lost themselves.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Out at the prison we had one dude, a guard, getting drunk in the cell with inmates.
Stumbleing out of the prison an hour and a half AFTER his shift was over. He gave stake knives to inmates,
did coke after work. He was a peice of shit. It took damn near and act of congress to get rid of him.

Another dude got caught shoplifting 3 times, then his fat ass got caught dressed up like a ninja
trying to steal from his own house to get insurance money. + he was an incompetent boob.

Unions are real nice, but sometimes your like damn.

As for libertarians, we are making progress like never before, IMO.
The Republicans are in trouble, I'm hoping to replace a few Republicans in 2010
Rand Paul is gonna run for senate I bet, he will announce tonite on Rachel Maddow, I think.
We got several others running for congress as Ron Paul Republicans.
Republicans are getting real passive aggressive towards Ron Paul republicans.
Republicans are out trying to "find themselves" but Ron Paul people never lost themselves.
Republicans like Democrats
telling us what to believe
to be part of their cliche
political game