I thought federal prison was hard.


Well-Known Member
I was talking to a guy over the weekend that said Federal Prison is a cakewalk. He had been in state prison / county jail and said that it is horrible lots of fights and racial issues, low lifes, gang bangers and it is a nightmare dog eat dog scenario. He said Federal prison was the complete opposite, white collar criminals, high up drug wholesalers and for the most part one big picnic. He said they played chess, talked, worked out, most were serving less than 10 years. He said that if they were charged at the state level a lot of guys would have life sentances but federally they were getting five years. He actually networked with some sophisticated criminals. Never saw a fight, didnt have fences, the guards were all polite and didnt fuck with them. Totally different than what I thought it would be.


Well-Known Member
did you really expect real hard prison life in the federal pen? they send ex enron execs to the federal pen and shit man, all the real bad criminals that get in trouble federally go to gitmo anyway bro


Well-Known Member
"We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white color resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to Federal pound me in the ass prison" -- Office Space

Keep that in mind!


Well-Known Member
did you really expect real hard prison life in the federal pen? they send ex enron execs to the federal pen and shit man, all the real bad criminals that get in trouble federally go to gitmo anyway bro
I thought it was hard shit - He said everything I picture is State Prision and Fed is actually not bad. He said take the fence off of a State Prison and see how long it is before people try running. He said life was so good in the Fed; he was there for 5 years without a fence and never saw anyone try to takeoff. He laughed and said "we would have picnics outside."

He said he met guys that did loan fraud, embezzlement, large commercial grows. No "career" criminals.


Well-Known Member
This is pretty common knowledge. The upside is, in prison, atleast here in CA, you end up serving like a fifth of your time.


Well-Known Member
This is pretty common knowledge. The upside is, in prison, atleast here in CA, you end up serving like a fifth of your time.
So why do growers stick to under the federal numbers? If Fed time is cake and the time is less than 5 years - why not grow big?


Well-Known Member
states prosecute almost all marijuana offenses. The federal govt is usually only involved in very large, very organized operations; or certain other instances such as cases involving federal property, or crossing national borders.


Active Member
if you go to federal prison come online and let me know how it is. i'm sure they will allow computers if they dont even have a fence. some people will believe anything just dont sell and you wont get in trouble


Well-Known Member
I think about Federal prison a lot....I sort of wouldn't mind going...I wouldn't have to pay my bills anymore and I could get my PHD and I could read all the books I don't have time to read now. The list is endless, I really dream about the break....