i think this is a hermi...


So just leave it alone do not pull off all them un-opened pollen sacs so maybee the seeding part can be prevented?


pick that shit off before it pollinates. that plant looks hermi heas hell. if you had more plants i would say just kill it


yes had two plants one came out male i chopped it down yesterday and didnt notice the balls on the female well the hermie till this morning i have herd i can pull the sacs off before it pollenates itself them pics are 2 weeks flowering.

these pics below were rite before 12/12

But seriously just keep picking off the sacs ... Will my yields be greatlly depreciated??



Active Member
There's a difference between genetic hermie, and stressed hermie. If it's the only plant, pick the balls off carefully, and hope for the best.


well i will continue pulling off the pollen sacs and see what happens im sure i will get a few seeds but none of the sacs opened yet ,,, thanks all for the comments


Active Member
I got a male out of 20 or so seeds I took from a stressed female hermie. A genetic hermie is a crapshoot, with growing conditions ultimately dictating the sex, but predominately will be hermie also.


Active Member
yeah man females do that when they you put stress on them. may be genetics or you may need to check your PH and shit on your next grow.


Well-Known Member
If that is your only plant then pluck off the male pods as they appear...let it live. You are not going to get all of them (pollen sacs off), and you will still wind up with a few seeds (trust me on that one). Yes, the odds of getting an outright male from the seeds later on are pretty much none.


If that is a genetic hermie, you are only going to up the chances of its children (seeds) being hermies as well. That is no mild hermie either, my guess is it is genetic.

If you have other females around, kill it and save them from being MASSIVELY seeded.


If that is your only plant then pluck off the male pods as they appear...let it live. You are not going to get all of them (pollen sacs off), and you will still wind up with a few seeds (trust me on that one). Yes, the odds of getting an outright male from the seeds later on are pretty much none.


If that is a genetic hermie, you are only going to up the chances of its children (seeds) being hermies as well. That is no mild hermie either, my guess is it is genetic.

If you have other females around, kill it and save them from being MASSIVELY seeded.

Thanks, PH been runnin 5.7 to 6.1 not to much thier im not thinking stress on the plant at all caused the issue its been grow very well and controlled environment. Advanced nutrients for the nutes. i took a picture after all sacs removed not as many as i thought.

Thanks everytone for the info next time i'll start more that 2 seedling incase the problems may occur in the future . Again thanks so much .. CHEERS!



Well-Known Member
Daaaaamn...that is actually a lot man. I had a few hermies (down to two now) around and none of them have sprouted that many...maybe combined from all 4 I had? If they have had decent pH (what are you growing in anyway?) and no light stress etc, then that is a genetic hermie. You probably wont want the seeds from it IMHO, as most likely the resulting progeny will also be hermie. Not a guarantee, but I have seen it first hand....

This is exactly how I got a couple of the hermies I have now. A buddy had some plants hermie on him, so he gave them to me to finish out (was great smoke btw). Once I cut them down I started collecting the seeds. I planted 10 of them, and I was able to keep a grand total of......one.

The rest were so heavily hermied they were not worth holding onto. This last one I have though, I have pulled maybe 10 male flowers off of it in almost 8 weeks of flowering. I still have a handful of seeds though from it, so we shall see what happens next time around.

Good luck, keep an eye on that thing. Also...someone mention this product in my thread. It's from Dutch Master:


I have heard good things. Pretty sure I am going to run it on clones of some of my current hermies in my next run.


Well-Known Member
Say if the young man were to let the plant reach a point to harvest the seeds, or as pertains to other types of temporary growing for seed, how long would the residual pollen stay viable? Would it be a problem when trying to bloom future mothers in the same area? If so how long? Thanks. I may have killed a few hermies over the years. When I see peckers and codsacks they get sent to killer weed heaven. I nearly grew some AK 48 to seed just so I would not have to buy any more seeds but somebody on here told me that wasn't wise, that I was a cheap skate etc. What was up on that deal?



the seeds that are made are going to be feminized and hermies with no males.
all my seeds from hermie and pollinated females from the hermie i separated and marked.:bigjoint: when grown they still all had the same ration of male to female.50%
so wherever you heard that is whacked.:roll:
although out of all the plants none came out hermie so i chose 2 females and revegged for cloning.:eyesmoke: