Yeah DMT isn't proven to excrete during our sleep. Would be awesome, but I have a feeling our dreams would be different if they were all long DMT trips. Now, I'm not here just to bash on you haha
I think it's probably prolonged use, because I can smoke every once in a while and I can have very vivid dreams. Albeit, I take a nice multivitamin and fish oil every morning and night. Don't know if that has a thing to do it. Actually, the last time I had a lucid dream was when I smoked(I haven't smoked in a month or a month and a half), and I had one for two days in a row, It was amazing.
Or maybe being blazed all day, I just would smoke maybe once in the day, and mostly before bed. I can't wait to get some more weed though

I'm ready to rip a fat bowl.