I think my plants ready for me to cut the buds off but not sure!!


Active Member
I have a Female thats been growwin for about 5 6 months now.Its been in flowerin stage now for about 1 or 2 months.The little white hairs on the flowers are startin to turn brown!!!does this mean its ready to b pruned???and should i wait till all of the white hairs have turned brown before i prune it or should i do it soon as a couple of them turn brown?!?!im real confused on this and i dont wanna mess up the most important part!!Please help it will save my crop thanks!!!!:spew:


Active Member
to be on the safe side i would wait... harvest to early and ur not gonna be pleased.. pics would help sry i cant be much more help


New Member
get a magnifying glass and check the trichs. They go from clear, to milky, to amber. If they are milky or beyond, it is allright to cut.


Well-Known Member
Your supposed to wait until 2/3 or 75% of the trichs have turned to an amber color... Use a magnifying glass to be sure...


Well-Known Member
duuuuuuuuude...............lol, yeah man give it some time. get yourself a good10x magnifyer( 10.00 @ radioshack) and check those trichromes. If they're clear leave it alone. Wait till they're milky, pick a piece, smoke it and decide which buzz you prefer. Clear to milky will give you an energetic, up buzz.....the further you let it go, the more amber the trichs turn, the more of a profound, couchlock buzz you'll get. Test it at all stages after they turn milky, you may be suprised as to what you prefer. Personally i keep buds in all stages depending on what "high" i.m looking for at any given time. Couchklock good for bed.......milky good for mid-day. Thats the beauty of growing my brother.....you're in control. Good luck and good smoking and remember.....a week or 2 makes a huuuuuuuge difference in your weed. test it along the way, you'll see.