i think my plant is dying... need help


im not sure what kind of strain this is exactly. i got 4 clones from a buddy about a month ago, (i no its a bit late for them when i got them)
as far as i know its a type of hash plant and the clones are about 2 months old.
the plants were doing really good without any problems. just the last 4 or 5 days my plants havent been doing good due to all the rain we been getting up here the past 4 or 5 days. the leaves are going light green to yellow and some are browning tips.
all 4 of my clones are planting on a mountain side and get plenty of sun (8 - 12 hrs a day) im also using a fertilizer called pant-prod all purpose 20 20 20 fertilizer. i mix about a teaspoon to 4 litres of water. dont want to hurt the plant with to much nutes.
is there something im doing wrong? or it it just to much water from all the rain?



Well-Known Member
Did you plant it in natural soil or use potting around the hole? Soil with nutes release when wet, so continuous rain can flood the plant with nutes and cause lockup and death.

20-20-20 is very strong for a young plant.


i use horse manure and nothing else
for fertilizer food i just mix 1 teaspoon to 4 litres is that to strong?


Well-Known Member
Its a Phosphorus deficiency, phosphorus is the first nutrient to be leached out of the soil and with all the rain you said you've had id bet that's the problem. Get a bloom fertilizer and feed it and it sould help. BTW the necrotic leaves wont repair themselves but should resume normal new growth.


alright thats what i was leaning towards in my thoughts to what it might be. so just a bloom fertilizer will help cure this?

dr grinsp00n

New Member
Easiest way to fix your problem go buy one bag of regular TGA soil and one bag of TGA supersoil mix 50-50 and just water