I think me and my OCD loved my plants to death


Active Member
actually 4 out of my 6 plants are in bad shape the other two are doing great. The problem is I only have 150hps which really isn't enough for 6 plants so in order to fit the plants under the light I kept repotting them I transplanted 6 times (I know not a good idea its my OCD I tell ya) the 1st 5 tranplants went off without a hitch it was like I didn't even re-pot them. the last which I did today I took them out of their containers didn't like the ones I put them in and them proceeded to try to reposition them knocking them on the floor out of their containers. The part that gets me is I knew better but I just couldn't leave them alone they just were bugging me because I went 12/12 hoping to keep them small but it stretched them still they may have been stretched but at least they were green and healthy. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
You've gotta chill with all that transplanting my friend, that's a lot of stress you've put your girls through. I would say transplant maybe 3 times tops unless it's an emergency. Spruce suggested putting them into the sunlight..if you are able to put them in the sun, DO NOT put them in direct sunlight right away or else your plants could end up in even worse shape. Start off in a shaded area and ease them into direct sunlight over a period of about a week. The sun's rays are more powerful than any indoor light so your gals need time to get used to it.


Well-Known Member
Just like he said^^^^ I'd recomend early in the morning the first couple days because of the sun not being at its hottest even in the shade could be trouble on a hot day at first.


Well-Known Member
Hey... Let them be... a little droop after a transplant is normal...
No worries man...
Maybe get a few CFL's to light the sides of your plants...
You were fine with 5 transplants... no shock!
#6 transplant you shocked them a bit, they will recover, did you water them in after transplant?
On your light 'Not enough issue'... Either rotate your plants cycle them one day under mid light one day on edge of mid light...
Or just leave the best/fastest grower in the middle, and you'll get the same yield...
BTW... If you put them outside, pests/bugs/spiders/flys/flees etc could lay eggs on your plant...
I'm just giving you something to ponder....

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
well, for me...I almost killed this one last year. it was eaten with mites, not growing anymore, had been inside for 5 months. On her last leg, I put her in direct sunlight full sun all day long and she thanked me for it.


Well-Known Member
The statement by 215roller is not quite true...if unobstructed, the intensity of the sun's light that falls on the surface of the earth is about 100,000 lux (or 9,290 footcandles), a 1000W metal halide lamp positioned 1 foot from the surface being illuminated has an intensity of 105,292 lux (or 9,782 footcandles), so slightly higher than the intensity of sunlight. And you could always have more than one 1000W metal halide lamp for an even higher intensity. So, just pointing it out that an indoor growing setup can have more light than an outdoor, but you gotta spend some real dough on the electricity if you want to make that happen. Generally though, sunlight is more powerful than indoor lighting, but not "more powerful than ANY indoor light".


Well-Known Member
Outdoor has more penetration. That is the problem with indoor lights.

But yeah, 150 watt HPS isnt even enough for a single plant, much less multiple. Good luck with it.


Active Member
Hey... Let them be... a little droop after a transplant is normal...
No worries man...
Maybe get a few CFL's to light the sides of your plants...
You were fine with 5 transplants... no shock!
#6 transplant you shocked them a bit, they will recover, did you water them in after transplant?
On your light 'Not enough issue'... Either rotate your plants cycle them one day under mid light one day on edge of mid light...
Or just leave the best/fastest grower in the middle, and you'll get the same yield...
BTW... If you put them outside, pests/bugs/spiders/flys/flees etc could lay eggs on your plant...
I'm just giving you something to ponder....
nope the 1st 5 times no shock. I transplanted them in the dark with just a night light on so that probably helped. this last time it was daylight and when I knocked them out of their containers it took a little bit to get more soil and repot them because their was 4 of them. I knew not to do it but it was really getting to me LOL OCD is not rational
Outdoor has more penetration. That is the problem with indoor lights.

But yeah, 150 watt HPS isnt even enough for a single plant, much less multiple. Good luck with it.
Not sure I agree, with that. You can even flower under CFL lighting but density suffers. Not saying you are gonna get a huge haul, but you will be able to grow plants to
harvest and smoke your hard work under 150 watt light. After all that's why we're here isn't it?
You said you had stretch issues right after flipping to 12/12? Ever consider LST(low stress training) for the first week after flipping? You sound like you put in plenty of time into your plants so the little extra work won't bother you I'd bet, and it will help to control the stretch that almost all cannabis plants go through right after starting the bloom cycle. I've also used the pinch&bend method in the past to keep plants from becoming too tall, but I feel like this causes more of a stress than LST does.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor has more penetration. That is the problem with indoor lights.

But yeah, 150 watt HPS isnt even enough for a single plant, much less multiple. Good luck with it.
I've grown with 160 watt cfl set up..wasn't the best yield..but if that can be done you most certainly can grow under 150 HPS. In my opinion however I wouldn't do anymore than 2 plants under that set up.