I Think It's Time to Harvest


Active Member
Like previous poster said, finallly someone did some homework. Congrats on pulling through the tough times and getting to the best part! +rep


Active Member

So I haven't harvested yet. I'm going to do it on Saturday, so I can be home the following week for the first two days of curing. Curing is probably my biggest concern now, since I work long days away from my place and won't be able to burp it as often as I probably should. I checked the trichs a little bit ago and there are only a few ambers around, so I'm not too concerned about being overripe if I wait. I read a lot of suggestions about harvesting before amber, but I guess I'm not doing that, lol - but I think this is still the safer move in the long run.


Active Member
You a believer in that? Ive read a ton of the info about the dark period, but curious if it really does anything?
yep the dark period works, majority of resin production happens in the dark so a 24 hour dark period causes a final "burst" of resin to accumulate. its easier to produce and cover themselves with while they dont have a hot light drying them out so definatly give it a try


Active Member
I stopped calculating since these real long stems didn't properly fit on the scale. When I cut them down in a week, I'll weigh again.

But based on the images and those few weighed buds, does anyone have a guess as to what kind of yield I'm looking at?


Active Member
Thanks - hopefully my notes on this grow will help me do the same right things.

I planted a new one a few weeks ago - blue mystic from Nirvana - and it's already taller than these plants were at that age,-- I think it's roughly 3 weeks ahead of my first round of plants already! I think the plan genetics are helping a lot!


Well-Known Member
Nice!!!!!....I'd day you got pretty lucky with that bag seed :) What other lights are u using besides the cfl's?