I think it's a Mag deficiency. but I'm unsure. Please help, pics.


Active Member
I'm using DWC bubble buckets and have been feeding them the lucas fomula with GH line of nutes. I'm thinking that I should have done some sort of flush when going from veg to flower.



Active Member
Are you using tap water?

I think you're on the right track with mag, the question is, is it from a straight def or is it an OD of another nute or a ph issue that's locking out mag.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yep, classic case. Get 'em some Cal/Mag Asap! Like dude says, make sure you dont have too much Ca or P locking it out.


Well-Known Member
i get this prob some times with my tap, i recommend adding half a vitamin pill to the water it will save you some cash. been doing this for a while for calmag works very well


Active Member
I'll be adding call mag tomorrow... do I just add it to their already mixed lucas GH formula?