I think I'm retarded!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so started up my system today and used my new HM tds3, its reading around 600! Does this mean my tap water is 600 ppm? That seems a tad high when last year using a different meter is was 250ish. The meter says it reads in micro siemens so do I divide the reading by half to get appr. ppm's. Is my EC .6 using the new meter? I'm so confused lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok so its a combination if retardation, age, and to much pot but I think I got it lol. So its basically EC so if meter reads 500 its .5 ec, which I believe is 250 ppm's. I know this but seem to forget every fall when I power up lol. Pretty happy now that I know there's not a big hunk of iron in my well lol. On a side note I'm getting an analysis of my well water this week, should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Ok so its a combination if retardation, age, and to much pot but I think I got it lol. So its basically EC so if meter reads 500 its .5 ec, which I believe is 250 ppm's. I know this but seem to forget every fall when I power up lol. Pretty happy now that I know there's not a big hunk of iron in my well lol. On a side note I'm getting an analysis of my well water this week, should be interesting.
mine was just lovely ... this area is artesian fed


Well-Known Member
I have good water as well but think it may have quite a bit of calcium which would explain my magnesium issues. Really just curious and its free lol.
EPA Regulated
4 ARSENIC 0.5 mg/L 0.1 0.10 0.10 mvp 20.8 06/241
5 BARIUM 0.6 mg/L 0.1 2 2 mvp 20.8 06/241
6 CADMIUM ND mg/L 0.1 0.5 0.5 mvp 20.8 06/241
7 CHROMIUM 0.5 mg/L 0.1 0.1 0.1 mvp 20.8 06/241
1 MERCURY ND mg/L 0.02 0.2 0.2 mh 245.1 06/2014
12 SELNIUM ND mg/L 0.2 0.5 0.5 mvp 20.8 06/241
10 BERYLIUM ND mg/L 0.1 0.4 0.4 mvp 20.8 06/241
12 ANTIMONY ND mg/L 0.1 0.6 0.6 mvp 20.8 06/241
13 THALIUM ND mg/L 0.1 0.2 0.2 mvp 20.8 06/241
16 *CYANIDE, AVILABLE ND mg/L 0.10 0.2 0.2 spl OIA-167-DW 07/14
19 FLUORIDE 0.13 mg/L 0.1 2 4 srf 30. 06/184
14 NITRITE-N ND mg/L 0.1 0.5 1 srf 30. 06/184 21:3
20 NITRATE-N 0.64 mg/L 0.1 5 10 srf 30. 06/184 21:3
16 TOAL NITRATE/NITRITE 0.64 mg/L 0.5 5 10 srf 30. 06/184 21:3
EPA Regulated (Secondary)
8 IRON ND mg/L 0.10 0.3 0.3 bj 20.7 06/214
10 MANGANES ND mg/L 0.1 0.5 0.5 mvp 20.8 06/241
13 SILVER ND mg/L 0.10 0.5 0.5 mvp 20.8 06/241
21 CHLORIDE 3.54 mg/L 0.1 250 250 srf 30. 06/184
2 SULFATE 9.6 mg/L 0.2 250 250 srf 30. 06/184
24 ZINC ND mg/L 0.5 5 5 mvp 20.8 06/241
14 *SODIUM 6.1 mg/L 5.0 bj 20.7 06/214
15 HARDNES asCalcium Carbonate 68. mg/L 10 bj 20.7 06/214
16 ELCTRICAL CONDUCTIVTY 164 uS/cm 10 70 70 srf SM2510 B 06/214
17 TURBIDTY ND NTU 0.1 1.0 1.0 mh 180.1 06/184 16:31
18 COLR ND Colr Units 5 15 15 mh SM210 B 06/194 08:37 pH: 6
26 TOAL DISOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) 124 mg/L 10 50 50 srf SM2540 C 06/2014
1 NICKEL ND mg/L 0.5 0.1 0.1 mvp 20.8 06/241 Stae Unregulated
9 LEAD ND mg/L 0.1 0.15 mvp 20.8 06/241


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure its .164 ec but could be wrong lol. Perhaps 1.64 but that seems kinda high. Perhaps others can explain, again I'm challenged.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure its .164 ec but could be wrong lol. Perhaps 1.64 but that seems kinda high. Perhaps others can explain, again I'm challenged.
i need to buy a pen and get it over with :?

ive always had the mindset that my plants are happy im not worried about it (which is kinda bad seeing how im mostly soil less :? )....... but i want to start running 12/12 from seed in DWC so i been trying to study up


Well-Known Member
I've got a pen and still fucked up lol. just one scale would be helpful lol. I get really confused when I see people running like 2000 ppm. My plants would jump out of the pots and run to the lake to cool off lol


Well-Known Member
No, i am doing sprayers in trays this run. I was running a flood and drain type of setup before this one. Never had much luck with DWC. We lose power here often so flooded roots without air is a bad thing lol. These systems give me some leeway at least. I can go about a day if needed with out power.

grievous bodily harm

Well-Known Member
e.c is so much more simple than ppms, i don't blame you for going cross eyed trying to work it out.

a blue lab truncheon is the best bit of kit i have owned, they last for years!!

0.6 ec tap water does seem a bit high but not extreme, i have had mine test 0.4 many times before adding nutes


Well-Known Member
No, i am doing sprayers in trays this run. I was running a flood and drain type of setup before this one. Never had much luck with DWC. We lose power here often so flooded roots without air is a bad thing lol. These systems give me some leeway at least. I can go about a day if needed with out power.
images (6).jpg
seriously.... bongsmilie

IMG1193.jpg any idea's what could be causing this ?
mostly peat medium ...... 2 weeks in flower.... fed micro's when it first showed ...... then a 4-16-15 .... then a mild humic acid feed ....... then top dressed lime ...... then fed for micro's again :? thought it was a iron def but it should have plenty ..... the clone is doing it too but its in soil ..... so maybe genetic ?


Well-Known Member
EC is a way more accurate measurement than PPM, all PPM meters are set on different scales so 600ppm on one meter might read 750ppm on another. Use an EC of .9 or less during early growth, 1.4 and under during veg, and 2.4 or under during vigorous flowering.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Tec but I really dont know enough about all if this yet to identify issues. I really struggle with that part of hydro. My last 38 years I spent doing huge gorilla grows so we really didnt spend much time nurturing them lol. I'm struggling right now with issues as well. Yes Yod I do understand that EC is more of a standard reading but still the scale for EC is different and that is where I get a bit confused. In saying that I'm pretty sure I finally got my brain around it. My pen reads in microsiemens so I basically add a decimal point to get my EC so reading 500 would be .5 ec. I hope this is right lol. I really only care when talking to others and journal keeping. I watch what the number does not the amount really. As for the new setup, its a flood and drain tote setup with 130 litre bottom and a smaller (6" deep) one on top. There is a 2" shower drain in the middle of the upper that is joined to lower. 3/4 pvc pipe up through that to a manifold running around the perimeter with 6 sprayers tapped and threaded in. Pump is an echo, if look at Superstoners new setup was my insperation but just not the rails for now. Working on a rail that has a removable lid now, so whole thing, pots included can be moved to different room. Good luck!