I think I turned my plants back to veg a week before harvest? HELP OUT AN AMATURE.


Active Member
Hi Guys,

So this is only my second grow, first one was pretty average, current grow was going good untill about a week ago my collas started braking up into branchs? Iv googled the sh#t out of this and spent a couple sleepless nights trying to work out whats happening and why, and more importantly how to fix it...

About a week ago 1 of 3 timers begun being a rebel, playing by its own rules and just decided to stay on, Im not sure how long this went on for but could have been upto 72hrs? The whole setup is automated so there was no reason to check on it, or so I thought.

Im guessing that this has pushed the grow back into veg stage?????

I have replaced the timer and left them the fu#k alone with the hope they will pull themselves together and go back into flowering??? They SHOULD/WOULD have been ready for harvest in 4days... so about 2weeks after they went weird...

So my questions are pretty much..

Did this happen because of the timer?
Have they gone back into veg stage?
Can this do any harm to the other plants? like is it catchy?
Would replacing the timer have corrected this or do I have to turn the lights out for a couple days to turn them again?
Could this be because the clones were/are shit?

Any info or suggestions as to what to do by all you seasoned pro's will be much appreciated :)



Well-Known Member
A little to inexperienced to be trusting an automated grow system ....? As you have discovered, and now on your 2nd grow you have evaluated your first grow as 'average' ...?
This gives great insight to the membership on your grow-ability ....lol after 72 hours of screwed and stressed plants, if they ain't hermies now then you can only assume they will be soon, I may be wrong and you should continue to grow them out as per...just be prepared to start germing again soon.

As a note you have got to understand the relationship between the grower and his plants....this you fail to understand


Well-Known Member
Was the timer not shutting off? If not then yeah it was timer...by the looks of it, it was messed up for some time...good luck...ull have some interesting looking buds to say the least! Lol


Active Member
@ Vostok, Yea my username is Amature for a reason, because I am an amature who has no real experiance as to what I am doing. Where you giving any advice or insight or just taking a jab?

@ smokesomegreenshit, Yea it was on full time it would have been for 3 full days, one plant has full turned into a tree but couple have just clustered into fingers out the top of real lose un formed bud.... Iv looked on a couple sights and couldnt find any pictures similar to mine (possibly because no one else has been so careless before)

Hermies? How do I know what to look for? so I know if i have to rip them out?... I was going to just salvage what I could and start oer but Il be losing about 15oz harvesting now :(

Anyone expricanced this before?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure how long this went on for but could have been upto 72hrs?
Always check daily to make sure the lights went out.
Go back to 12/12 and watch the cycle more carefully, temps keep under 27.


Well-Known Member
You've come a long way with this grow, and everything looks healthy otherwise. Do what BUDS suggests -- just go back to 12/12 and watch them carefully. They'll need some time to go back into flower. Watch the trichomes on the "original" bud, not any bud that pops out on the new branches. You might end up with a new stretch, there, too, which will be a pain.

Part of me wants to suggest cutting off those branches and just letting the original plant finish, because a lot of energy now is going to go to the stretch and bud production…but I have NO experience with this, so don't do it unless someone else who has had experience with this weighs in.

I'm watching this thread to see what other people suggest. It's an interesting dilemma.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Buy some timers with built in contactors. The cheap $5 ones you get from the supermarket are prone to not turning off, and it will only continue to happen.

If it's any consolation, from the look of things, you were nowhere near a week till harvest.