I think I over did it.


Well-Known Member
Well, from my 10 Northern lights seeds I bought. I only have one plant left that has not turned out to be male. This last one I am pretty sure is female, I can see the slight presence of a hair. I still have the last male there also. I have 10 clones, which two of them might be female, if not all 10 are female. What should I do? should I let this last male fert the only female and get Seeds? I sure could use that bud from that one female. I am running low.

What about these feminized seeds. I read Videoman saying do not buy Feminized seeds. I kind of wish I had, I have a lot of time, and a ton of money rapped up into one dam plant now.

I do also have one other plant, that is in a room all by itself in a little waterfarm system. This plant is also Northen lights. It is in the veg stage right now. I am thinking that if it turns out to be female, I should send it back into veg stage for a couple weeks, and take a bunch of clones from it.

What do you all think I should do to try and save what I have and what I will have one day...

I am sick with discust.. :spew:


Well-Known Member
My clones are 13 days from when I cut them. They have a good root system, and are showing preflower signs. Can I put them into flower, right now? So I can find out the sex of them? I am thinking maybe I should put all of my plants, clones and all in my big system on flowering 12/12. If any of the clones are female, then put them back into veg stage for more clones? What do you all think?

I am going to roll a huge blunt and think about this one.


Well-Known Member
OR.... Should I send my only large grown female back into Vegg stage, then rape here for a bunch of clones?

This sucks. I had 7 nice, big, bushy, beautiful plants. Now out of the 7, I have 1 that is female.


Well-Known Member
Well, it turns out that the one plant that I had in a room by itself, which was the one that I started in soil, because of no room. This plant is also a female. This is nice. this female plant is in one of those WaterFarms. And is looking real good. I am putting it back into the veg stage and in about 6 weeks, I will take 9 clones from it.


Active Member
I am growing 2 plants in hydro right now. Last week they were healthy. Then in the past few days they are starting to die.

When I first noticed that Jack the ripper's leaves were wilting I hopped on here and started to read a lot of other posts.

Here is what I have done to correct the problem. I flushed Jack with plain water for 2 days then started back with the nutes about 1/2 strength.

Bubba kush just started to droop 2 days ago. I backed off the nutes yesterday and today it's looking worse. I've not flushed Bubba.

I've attached some photos of b4 abd after they started to get sick.

Can someone please give me some good advice. :wall:



Active Member
I started a new thread wrong.

I did get it right and started a new thread on the hydro forum.
