I think I need a little help...


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow (I say first, but I started two plants around christmas time but had to move so I killed them about 1 1/2 week in). The first two I had growing were very healthy: green and bushy. I started another batch and I am about the same length into the grow, but these are suffering. I have 3 plants growing, 1 that I just started yesterday. That one is doing great (I think, hope). The other two spent about 2 days under CFL's, then bc I had to make an unexpected trip over the a weekend, they sat on my porch/balcony. It rained pretty good 2 out of the 3 days so I think they got watered enough, but they did stretch a good bit. I figured I would stick with them but I am struggling with both of them. They are yellowish, and the ends of the leaves have become brown, and a little harder and crunchier(?). I assume this is overheating maybe? Here are some pics to look at (sorry my camera is at a friends house, so I'm using my shitty iPhone camera):
See how they are yellowish with brown, and they are curled some too I guess. The worst one on the right has a stem that is reddish at the very top, the other on isnt like this.
The little young one at about a day and a half. When I went to bed last night, it had not even broke the surface, so that is all today's growth.
How close I am keeping the lights.

The small one is in Scotts Moisture Advance Potting Soil, The two screwed up ones are in half Scott's, half plain ole topsoil. Also before I put the newest plant in, They were on 24 hr light. Sonce adding the new one, I switched to 20-4 (today was when I switched, and it was closer to 23.5-4.5 to get specific ha). I think that covers it but lemme know if there is anything else yall need to know.

Thanks for taking time to help me out...Ill remember to pass out the rep


Well-Known Member
I see your trouble on the 2, they really don't look good. The soil you mention is probably a preferted soil. Those can bite you, depends on a number of factors. MG is notorious for screwing some people, works great for others.

Moving from inside to outside can burn plants. Temp swings between inside/outside can also be a problem. From the size, they look like they were pretty much sprouted outside. Which shouldn't be a problem, maybe lack of light? You seem to have your positioning of cfl's down pretty well, probably not cfl issue.

Other than temp swings, which I don't think is the problem, the usual culprit is ph/nute/water. Ph'ing your water is a good thing to do, should be below 7.

Best guess is you have some fried seedlings from the preferted soil. It probably has the time release pellets. Water and water and you get a BIG dose of fertilizer. BIG fertilizer dose and you get fried seedlings. I think your 2 days of rain has bitten you. Just my best guess, not sure if they can be recovered.



Active Member
not really sure if its worth it to recover, they arent very old. use some different soil without that time release nutes, or pick out those pellets by hand, they really screw people over. iv had a few plants die cuz of those things


Well-Known Member
+rep to both of yall...i think im gonna say screw it with those 2 and focus on my one good one.


Active Member
yeah if they were bigger id say try an save it, but its really just more work than it would be to just sprout some new ones. good luck with your good one!