I think i might have thrips. help

  • indoor grow.
    4x4' 6500k and 2x4' 3000k florescent tubes in a 6 bulb bay.
    top of the plant is about 1-2 inches away.
    miracle grow organic garden soil.
    month and a half old watered every morning to every other day.
    fan constantly circulating air and temperature dosent seem to a be an issue.
    white pale green spots appeared on bottom leaves then spread over the last 2 weeks. I think it might be thrips, but i haven't really found any thrips.


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
yes u do. pretty bad too.
i have found that azamax beats thrips first time, but u can use the 3 sprays 5 days apart to be sure.


That is spidermites not thrips.....thrips are easier to spot than spidermites which often require a magnification. thrips also have a distinct pattern to the way they eat leaves. So when you cant get a visual on the perp.... detective work comes into play. and the way I see leave patterns is spidermites are very spotty and millions of small specs will form...... where thrips damage will take on a larger more burrowed look to its spotting.

Spidermites: eat....then move ....then eat..... then move
Thrips:......... eat and move and eat and move......

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
That is spidermites not thrips.....thrips are easier to spot than spidermites which often require a magnification. thrips also have a distinct pattern to the way they eat leaves. So when you cant get a visual on the perp.... detective work comes into play. and the way I see leave patterns is spidermites are very spotty and millions of small specs will form...... where thrips damage will take on a larger more burrowed look to its spotting.

Spidermites: eat....then move ....then eat..... then move
Thrips:......... eat and move and eat and move......
that much leaf damage and no webs? spidermites really?


Active Member
I have never had spidermites but I have had thrips and I have to agree that that doesn't look like thrips. I would also think that if it were thrips by the time they had done that amount of damage you should have had a few mature to the point they are visible with the naked eye.


Active Member
Spinosad, neem oil, and a little dish soap will get er done :)
If your in veg, spray that bitch down, make sure to get under the leaves.


Well-Known Member
well it totally doesnt look like mites. could be thrips I had them a long time ago with similar looking leaves, but I was able to clearly see them little buggers with my glass..
I would treat as the mongo frog said with three treatments to be safe.. as far as the product you use well thats just preference. azamax works great, organocide is my favorite cause there is no bad chems in it.