this from your bio:I'm in no way trying to be a badass
i said i do not like violence and i don't.
Shit, this guy sounds street but in touch with his emotions. I'm gonna agree with him.Get yourself under control before you end up dead or in jail. Whatever is causing you to be so mad? You need to find out release your emotions normally don't bottle them, tell people how you feel with your words, not actions. Trust me man I've been there it's not worth sittin in that cell, nothin is.
I know this feeling. It's your instinct to protect. We men don't have the opportunity to murder assholes that threaten us like back in the stone age. The good old days...Ok so my whole liffe mostly
i have had lets say more moments then i care to share where i just lose it.
I don't black out, but i get to where i don't have control.
its been to the point i have almost beat somone into a coma(they ran off with 10$ ) i beat his face into the ground and didn't stop until my friends pulld me off ( i was going to make him eat a big rock forcably (more of a life lesson imo)
because i can't stop unless somones stops me
all it is is like pure hatred.
I'm not a violent. person at all until this happens.
but is this physcosis or just me being an ahole.
i hate hurting anyone and is the sole reason i try to be a passivist.
And one of the big reasons i smoke but i still come close to losing it even if I'm high as shit.
maybe I'm the kind of person prison was ment for?
i think deep down I'm a violent physcopath....i know i have it in me
HOWEVER i have hit my head so many times maybe its from that?
After reading your last post, I came to this one to reply... you obviously want help... someone already said T&T was a bad place to come for advice, but here it goes anywayUnfortunately i know i need help. i have tried to get help before but no one listens all they want to do is give me meds that make me wanna blow my head off or somone else's.
the great soulition = give him antidepressants because those always turn out great will just ignore the shootings from them and give them to people anyway its cool. <sarcasm