:( I think i messed up... Please help. Rep will be given.


Well-Known Member
BTW...I don't need no rep...I'm just here to learn and pass on what I've learned young padawan...lol...


Well-Known Member
I still dont think that you need that many leaves for a plant to get energy from?
I more than understand your incredulity. So try this: grow two plants of the same strain. Take the fan leaves off one, but leave them on the other. Harvest, keeping Plant A bud separate from Plant B bud. Dry and weigh. Then post your results here, and we can discuss them.


Well-Known Member
I more than understand your incredulity. So try this: grow two plants of the same strain. Take the fan leaves off one, but leave them on the other. Harvest, keeping Plant A bud separate from Plant B bud. Dry and weigh. Then post your results here, and we can discuss them.
Best advice I've heard in a long time...that's exactly what I did...EXPERIMENT...trial and error are the best teachers...and krypto...nice grow on your sig man..keep it up and keep it real buddy...+ rep for you from me :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Best advice I've heard in a long time...that's exactly what I did...EXPERIMENT...trial and error are the best teachers...and krypto...nice grow on your sig man..keep it up and keep it real buddy...+ rep for you from me :mrgreen:
Thanks, Man...and right back at ya!

I'm also a fan of experimentation. It's the only way to really, really know something. And I think it's cool that at places like RIU people (including myself) can ask questions and get quick answers. But nothing takes the place of first-hand experience. And if someone asks my advice and then wants to debate it, the first thing I'm going to do is show them how to figure the answer out themselves. Teach a man to fish...:)


Well-Known Member
I went and cut off ALOTTA fan leaves right before flower. Is this good or will buds not grow because i cut the internodes off? I left a little of the stem of the leaves on there so there will still be an internode. I guess about a half inch or so... Darn man... Will the buds not grow in those places because I cut the leaves off?
At this point what I would do is reduce the amount of bud sites. I would cut at least the bottom three branches off and concentrate what energy production you have left to the remaining colas.
This way you'll have some good weed instead of a bunch of little shit buds.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
You don't want to take lots of fan leaves off , They contain the chlorophyll that produce the photosynthesis reaction to create sugars that your plant feeds on, It will stunt the growth. A few to do maintenance or to open up areas to more light is fine, But don't get crazy on it.

Yeah man, ripping off all your leaves is the new thing.

Rip off all your leaves as they're useless.
If you rip off every leaf, it leaves more room for buds.

No leaves blocking the light, pure bud. It's as simple as that!
I prefer to completely defoliate the entire plant just prior to putting into flower. This way all the energy goes into bud production, I routinely produce 1/2 pound buds 40-50 per plant. :)
Did you make sure to get every single leaf? You should also cut off all the roots, and the stems.

Man, you're high as fuck, aren't you.
Did you try driving nails into the main stem and boiling the roots yet?? THC comes from the roots you know.
Some people should not breed or grow cannabis, here's your signs ^

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, and every time I have a question or i try to research something on this forum I have to root through 100 useless posts just like that. Some posts are just fucking useless


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, and every time I have a question or i try to research something on this forum I have to root through 100 useless posts just like that. Some posts are just fucking useless
Ok buddy...lol...I hazed enough..lmao...Yes put a small fan blowing lightly on your babies, this will strengthen the stalks and keep any heat issues down to a minimum...and don't worry about the attitudes here..yes some are assholes plain and simple...but most of us are just fuckin with you...it happened to me and everyone else I'm sure...welcome to RIU...where we like to have some twisted fun..:twisted:...anything else I can help with...just ask buddy..


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, and every time I have a question or i try to research something on this forum I have to root through 100 useless posts just like that. Some posts are just fucking useless
lmao...oh yeah defoliation...you really DON'T want to take too many leaves off, cuz as was said it will make your yield small and worthless IMHO..
At this point what I would do is reduce the amount of bud sites. I would cut at least the bottom three branches off and concentrate what energy production you have left to the remaining colas.
This way you'll have some good weed instead of a bunch of little shit buds.
And NO...it's best to have patients and put it back in veg to grow more leaves...I've only been growing a short time, but I've learned alot from reading books and these pages...going and snipping more shit will just decrease your yield and give you small under developed buds...

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
The funny thing is that I was not the op, I answered his question and saw all the other posts , Ive been here for years But most of the time I'm here to get answers to questions through research , Only recently have I started answering questions to the best of my abilities for people. .


But dude. Ive seen it with my own eyes. Think of it like this... The leaves may be solar panels but sometimes there is an overabundance of solar panels and mots of the energy is not being used because of it. Cutting leaves provides more light for the bud sites and gets rid of energy that is not being used and gives you a better yield.


Well-Known Member
I went and cut off ALOTTA fan leaves right before flower. Is this good or will buds not grow because i cut the internodes off? I left a little of the stem of the leaves on there so there will still be an internode. I guess about a half inch or so... Darn man... Will the buds not grow in those places because I cut the leaves off?
Re Veg.. don't flower yet. get some foliage back. JMO