I think i may have a nute related problem


Well-Known Member
Aight man ty, but im really confused, well dont know what to do, i had the yellow tips also when they were just babies, and i started this slow release nutes, and it was da bomb lol they got perfect and grew soo fast, now that i trasnplanted them i used the same soil (6.2 ph) and im not using an organic fert. Maybe the micronutrient additive that has ashes has messed ph. Im having same probs with same soil, i corrected them adding nutrients. Some have adviced to stop nuting for a while, but that has been the best i could have done for em. im more concerned about the one with yellowing in the middle of the leaves. this sucks lol


Well-Known Member
Aight ppl, i checked ph and its fine (somewhere between 6.6 and 6.8) that doesnt sound 2 bad. The yellowing tips continue, a bit yellower now but hasnt become that much of a problem ( but still don't wanna let it get worse). This soil was supposed to have enough nutes for a while, but it couldnt even feed them when they were seedlings (I had to nute at 2nd week and finally got them to "live" lol they were almost dead, but problem started with yellowing tips also).

Any thoughts? need help lol


Well-Known Member
Sometimes plants just do werid shit.
I would just let ride and see what happens.
If anything i would flush them and then feed.
Sometimes there is no cure for plants.
It could be your water as well.
In a couple of days if they look worse start a new thread and someone else mayhave an idea whats up.
Do what ya think may help.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot man really appreciate ur advice, my water has 6.8 ph supposed to e best ph for soil, and soils around that too. I watered and didnt feed this time, lets see what happens.
