I think i found the next location


New Member
ok scratch this area for the most part......youll only be seeing very little of it from now on.
i took a 5 hour walk today and found a much better more deserted area today.
i heard a saw in that area from a guy making a tree stand or something i guess....so that will mainly be for my males this year of the lowryders.

on the rear side of the mountain my uncle in law showed me an area he used in the past and it looks great. ill take pictures tommorow, but the area is really bushy and hilly so this may be turning into a low profile guerrilla grow.:hump::hump::hump:


New Member
What kinda sword?
the one that i carry around while im kicking the shit is a defender. It used to be blued to an all black color but where I keep it sharpened pretty sharp its gone back to being a steel color now.

but for everyone waiting im going to go back out to the spot today to take pictures somewhere around noonish


New Member
well ive been out to the area 3-4 more times since then I just havent had a good oppritunity to take pics yet.
But I do have 3 decent sized holes dug out there and just enough branches cleared away for it to get good light. The area pretty much gets full sun as long as there isnt a bunch of overcast. Ill be luging them out there as soon as I am sure that theres not going to be any more frosts coming around.
Still trying to decide on how many to put out there and how many plants to keep to a patch though..... thinking maybe like 20-25 medium sized plants, with about 10-15 more autoflowering plants....


New Member
okay the first area has no more flowers because the frost killed them all so Ive decided that I will put one hijack out there until i get some autoflowering plants and did so yesterday, the other area near the mountain laurels has 6 bagseed plants out there(I havent checked on them in a bit because of the long ass walk) and I have one more patch that isnt logged with 6 more small ones in it.
so thats 17 started so far....

Sad news, both raft plants my friend saved as mother plants are males.:evil:
(that was the last 3 unidentified ones. ALL MALES:cry:)
So now there are a few plants in his room that have been seeded by them, i may plant some of them this spring soon if they will crack to see if i can get a decent potent cross out of the raft by luck. I still have some pollen from it in my freezer Im saving to make seed stock later with as well.