I think i found away to grow upside down o_O.


Well-Known Member
ok i was watching TV and seen a commercial for something called the hanging tomato or something o_O. what you do is grow your seedling/clone to size and transfer into this item and fill with dirt and water heres the website Topsy Turvy Tomato now i think you could do the same with cannabis tell me your thoughts about this item i think you could use it indoors/outdoors. :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
this has acually been talked about before, I can't remember the thread though. I think that you could get away with this, but the plants will alway grow towards the light, and against gravity. just like the tomatoe plants do if you look at the pictures they have.


New Member
This doesn't work because MJ grows on a hard stem that will always try to grow upward or towards the strongest source of light.
Tomatoes are more a vine plant, like pickles. It doesn't really care which way it grows


Active Member
I just saw the same thing for the first time last night. Mabey if you put some strong lights on the ground who knows ....good luck if you try it.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a thing that high times used on their cover on one month and they had a circle thing with plants in it


Well-Known Member
I watched the ad. Another corp. America ploy to get people to waste money (imo). BUT WAIT! Order now and you get the tourmaline nose hair trimmer absolutely free! We will also give you the cat brush, and super weak knife as a gift. We will even double your offer because we need to get this $hit out of our warehouse. LOL Sorry to sound like a jerk, but I am VERY judgmental of things like this "as seen on tv." The only thing I ever got from tv that I am happy with is a rotisserie. Good luck!


Active Member
i second that. also, am i the only one who has a hard time taking high times seriously? that magazine seems like kind of a joke to me. they always advertise inferior shit and basically anything as long as they get paid enough to do it. just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I know, i quit reading the high times along time ago. I remember reading it back in the early 90's when i first found out about it and then they became more about advertising and less about good articles. I would much rather jump on here for info then waste my money on that crappy magazine.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
What's the point? Tomatoes are heavy and weigh the plant down so it makes sense to grow them upside down.

Marijuana plants have no trouble supporting their branches and/or buds so what's the point of growing upside down... other then to give a stoner another thing to to over-analyze and over-complicate... LOL!!!! :D


Well-Known Member
the types of mj plants that are thick strong stemed are indicas an indi dom hybrids...now sativas an sativa doms normally need there branchs tied up to keep the weight of the bud from breaking the weak thin stim on most sativais...so just like everything else a system like this would be strain specfic an strains like trainwreck an other big bud weak stem sats could in thery be grown upside down...peace az