I Suck Man!

Man i suck at this i yellowed out twice crappy roots.
2X400 (1HPS 1MH)
7X7X7 Tent
Using some sort of 30 10 10 solution someone told me to use.
Carbon filter
Inline fan
Stanley Blower

Its a pretty setup but ain't doing no good for me.


Well-Known Member
all buck no bang...thats why i started small and got to know how plants respond to different stimuli before dropping some serious cash on my sheet...
Didn't pay much for the shit. Not really angry about that just can't shit to work. I get good air circulation. Temp is at like 21- 23C.Humidity is at 60-70. Got some fans going on in there. Got the timing on. Im going to try again. FACK!
They where growing but really light colour. Growth is stunt. One day I grabbed it and tugged on it came right out no root production.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
how do yu grow?

what kind of yellow roots.

is that a hydro feed formula?

do yu feed early?

what do leaves look like?

lol, maybe yu just want to vent probs. there is a solution, even I have grown a few right :)


New Member
We need some pics dude to really see and know whats going on.
Post a few and we will let you know whats up.
Try and try again if at first you dont succeed.