I stretched my seedlings...what to do?


Active Member
I started my 10 seeds (all of which sprouted) under a t5 about 14" below the t5. They were in a propogation dome with my cuttings which I didn't want to burn. The seedlings are about 4" tall now (I covered about an inch up with dirt in my little jiffy pots). I still only have the first set of leaves going.

I just put them under my 250 Watt MH today and i'm hoping that will fix the problem. Sadly I haven't set up my fan/vent in the closet yet....so I'm hoping they won't get way too hot. Room temperature is only about 65 degrees.....

What should I do to help fix this problem? Or am I doing everything I can? Can I expect to lose plants because they're stretched?

Muffy D

Well-Known Member
I started my 10 seeds (all of which sprouted) under a t5 about 14" below the t5. They were in a propogation dome with my cuttings which I didn't want to burn. The seedlings are about 4" tall now (I covered about an inch up with dirt in my little jiffy pots). I still only have the first set of leaves going.

I just put them under my 250 Watt MH today and i'm hoping that will fix the problem. Sadly I haven't set up my fan/vent in the closet yet....so I'm hoping they won't get way too hot. Room temperature is only about 65 degrees.....

What should I do to help fix this problem? Or am I doing everything I can? Can I expect to lose plants because they're stretched?

They will be fine. Once under the MH you will see explosive growth of the leaves and stems. A 250 Watt MH doesnt get that hot, and with a 65 degree room, you can put them pretty close. I had mine about 6 inces away and they never burned, but since they are young, keep the lights far away then gradually move them closer. What kind of system are you using?


Active Member
I got a storage cabinet kit from HD and have built it. I'm trying to modify it right now to work as a somewhat discreet grow. Haven't managed to do that yet.

But basically I'm growing in potting soil (can't remember the brand, just store brand from OSH or something.) I have been adding a drop or two of superthrive with their water. I have fox farm Grow Big to use on them, but I'm waiting until I see the first set of leaves that didn't come up right out of the seed.

I'm growing them in like 3" jiffy pots right now (the kind that let the roots grow through.) I am going to try to get some bigger pots to plant them to and then hopefully LST them (I'd like to SCROG but I'm going from seed on this one.)

I just got a 7" fan. It's not a ventillation fan but I'm just going to have it sitting in the cabinet blowing upwards from the plants onto the MH bulb/ballast. I put a vent in the bottom and I cut a little hole in the top just for a temporary solution (I'll just expand the hole later and put in my ventilation fan.)


Active Member
Sorry we just moved to the new place and I don't know where my digi camera is yet. I will put one up as soon as possible.

Just an update, the fan blew all the long things around like a hurricane (even though it was pointed at the light.)

Looks like one is dead. One other had the light fall on it the other day and I'm hoping the stem will mend and grow roots (I buried it.)

The other 8 are now twisty tied to straws to keep them straight. Hopefully they will put on a few nodes pretty quickly and I can LST them. (Don't have a ton of height in my cab and I see people with 5 sets of leaves on a plant the same size as mine which has just the top set.