I spoke too soon


Well-Known Member
On another thread I had referenced a skin condition I have, and how lucky I was I was able to hide it and yadda yadda.... well I spoke too soon. it just flared up out of my control, and now i feel like a beast. So while my hands, and neck got clearer, my scalp, face, and ears have been attacked.... :( i wish i could just go away for a while where no one can see me


Well-Known Member
Honey, I know how you feel. Lol everyone says that.

Chronic stress induced psoriasis, born with urticaria, keratosis and granular parakeratosis.

I know there are times you want to crawl into a hole and just not be seen by the world. You look in the mirror and think 'Oh my god, why have I left the confines of my bed looking like this?'

I've managed to keep it under control in recent years from drinking more water bathing and moisturising silly amounts a day, drinking more water, heavy topical steroids and smoking more weed.


Go smoke more weed- alot of my flareups are stress related. You seem like a pretty highly strung individual, so load a bowl and chill.

Cocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil, aloe vera and argan oil- they are your friends.

Looking at my photos you'd never guess a few years ago I was basically a walking scab 0_o

There's one upside to the urticaria though, when I'm bored I can play 3D tic tac toe on my arm or something XD


Well-Known Member
what i have is seborrheic dermatitis... they dont know what causes it, but it happens to mainly to babies and older males.... and no matter what I do, I can go to sleep, wake up and BAM its there... and it hurts, it flakes, and when its in my hair makes it slimy... i scrub my face like crazy, make sure my neck and ears are clean, and it always comes back. thank god right now it only looks like skin discoloration on my face, and no one can see my scalp... but my mom just told me its light pink on my neck. fuck fuck fuck.


Well-Known Member
Mine gets like that too, only in very obvious dark patches and I scar afterwards. Badly. Thank god for those lactic acid peels...

The flaking is terrible, but don't let yourself fiddle with it absentmindedly, it'll make it worse, 'kay? Xxxx


Well-Known Member
Urca I'm not familiar with your personal story, but my fiancee has severe acne all over her face, neck, chest, and back. She had it problems with it all through her teenage years and when she reached her 20's it got worse. She is now pregnant with our first child and it has flared up so bad. Needless to say her upper body is covered with scars. She is always embarrassed to go out in public during bad times, as well as in good times without makeup to cover as much as she can.

Having been together with her for 5 years I have certainly seen her ups and downs with her acne and scars, but honestly when I look at her that isn't what I see at all. It would be naive to say that I never notice, but it doesn't matter to me. Keep your head high(no-pun intended), there are just so many more important things in life than physical appearances. Do what you can do about it, but beyond that try not to let it consume any more of your time physically or mentally.


Well-Known Member
I have psoriasis that shit suuuuccccks.. nobody even wants to touch you. I mean I was covered head to toe.. I got soy Lecithin, take it everyday its been about 5 years since i had a single flair up .. btw I tried a shit ton of stuff from the dematolgist, was the only thing that even kinda helped fluocinonide usp cream .05%.. but the soy works like 50x times better:)

good luck.. sendinggood vibes your way


Well-Known Member
I have psoriasis that shit suuuuccccks.. nobody even wants to touch you. I mean I was covered head to toe.. I got soy Lecithin, take it everyday its been about 5 years since i had a single flair up .. btw I tried a shit ton of stuff from the dematolgist, was the only thing that even kinda helped fluocinonide usp cream .05%.. but the soy works like 50x times better:)

good luck.. sendinggood vibes your way
thank you, and what is soy lechithin?
Have you been to the Dr. yet? They may say it' s just a superficical condition, but if you're worrying yourself sick over it, that counts as more than superficial in my book. My recommendation is a long hot bath or shower. Not for cleaning purposes, but for relaxation. As hot as you can handle. I have found that nothing relieves stress like a nice long hot soak. When cleaning time does come, ditch the Irish Spring and go get yourself some nice glycerin or other natural soap at a health store. It'll be a lot friendlier to your skin, and it's another way to pamper yourself.

And no, Urca you are not a monster. I'd go so far to say that if there's somebody special in your life, they are truly fortunate.


Well-Known Member
its just a supplement most health food stores have it, I get the large bags and mix some in with food on the daily... seems to work much better than in pill form :)


Well-Known Member
Have you been to the Dr. yet? They may say it' s just a superficical condition, but if you're worrying yourself sick over it, that counts as more than superficial in my book. My recommendation is a long hot bath or shower. Not for cleaning purposes, but for relaxation. As hot as you can handle. I have found that nothing relieves stress like a nice long hot soak. When cleaning time does come, ditch the Irish Spring and go get yourself some nice glycerin or other natural soap at a health store. It'll be a lot friendlier to your skin, and it's another way to pamper yourself.

And no, Urca you are not a monster. I'd go so far to say that if there's somebody special in your life, they are truly fortunate.
Hey u copied that avator from a buddy from mines, that cat is suppost to roll blunts n give em to u,bad influence hahaha
And urca smoke a blunt n let it go away :)


Well-Known Member
so my face is getting somewhat better, the actual "rash" part is going away, and the pain too, but now i have this dry, dry, flaky skin on my face... ugh. i remember when my skin was really soft and clear :(


Well-Known Member
It'll clear eventually hun, keep it up with the natural skin products. Have you tried honey, sugar and cinnamon/saffron paste? Alot of expensive mark creams have saffron in them.


Well-Known Member
i dont really use that stuff, i have this lotion i got from the doctor, and that works, but since i was running low when this started, i just kept washing my face and microdermbraision scrub... tea tree toner... and i mixed my lotion in with my face wash so that it could be usuable every day... but ill try your suggestions


Well-Known Member
been trying to see a dermatologist, because maybe he can give me something stronger and more permanet, but i have to get a referral first and i cant find a doctor who takes my insurance, and i turned 18 so i cant go to my last doctor... ugh. http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seborrhoeic_dermatitis
^ that explains what i have, and that guys face in the picture is like mine right now, except mine is on my hairline/eyebrows/chin