I split the trunk of my plant and need help ASAP...


New Member
Help, I topped my plant at about 8 weeks of age and I have been pulling down the two main branches with strings to make the plant bushier and allow lite into the middle but I screwed up and pulled too tight and partially split the trunk witch is quite thick. Is there anyway I can mend it besides just using tape. Help it just happened minutes ago...
loosen the strings and duct tape man it aint pretty but you need to close it then when buds get heavy youll need to support branches or the main stem probably wont support the weight

edit: youll see your growth slow or stop for awhile (week my guess) thats one of the biggest stresses to a plant
tape works been done a few times in the past here . also a zip tie . worked saved the day before as well . it was almost broke off said screw it zip tie it up and later I cut the plant and you could see where it reformed . for got to take the tie off . no issues from it .
A picture of the plant would of help we are all illustrating a picture of this split in our head and trying to find solutions loll.
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