I smoke way too much


Ok so here's my situation there's 4 of us that live together and we all smoke .
Where I work about 80% of the people smoke , and most of the time they need weed .
so it has come to my attention that it would be a hell of a lot cheaper if I just grow my own and just sell some here and there . If I do that I can cover my expenses while still saving money . I have grown 1 plant before with cfL's and got nothing from it , except knowledge .

So what I wanna do this time is build a grow box ( out of plywood ) shove a 400w hps/ metal halide bulb in there along with a 4 (maybe 6 ) inch inline fan and carbon filter . I'm kinda lost on which soil to use , and what nutrients I should use . And I need somewhere reliable that sells seeds ( preferably within Canada to avoid customs ) anyone know of such a place . Out of all this I hope to grow 4-6 plants . Is that realistic ?

yeah so bassicly I need advice on soil , nutrients , and a reliable seed company within Canada .
Thanks everyone and sorry I'm probably asking a lot of questions that have already been asked .


Well-Known Member
12 plants in 6 inch containers

if you do 4 or 6 plants you will want them in 1 gallon containers probably..

if you do 2 or 3 under the 400 you will want 3 gallon

if you do just 1 plant you will want 5 or 7 gallon..

for soil I would recommend the cheapest... Peat moss and perlite. mixed 2 parts peat to 1 part perlite and also mixing in a handful of epsom salts and garden lime. perfect grow medium... just need some nutrients to feed the plants. u can get more than enough for 20 bucks.

as for nutrients... Jacks Classic Dynamic duo works great... its a bit strong so you will need to use it in small amounts... i used about 1 tsp/gal nearly every watering... 6.7 ph +/- 0.2

this time around I am trying coco coir so i decided to switch to something compatible for hydro.... General Hydroponics FloraDuo... the plants love it but if you leave it in a bubbling water reservoir more than a couple hours you will get a sticky foam... key is to mix the nutrients right before you water... 5.7 ph +/- 0.2. I am also using cal/mag and pH down.

you are better off giving nutes with every watering is very small amounts rather than fertilzing once a week or 2 weeks like the directions might say.

use the directions as a general guideline.. fertilize 7x as often but at 1/7 the rate...

If you have a good hydro store around you might look into making super soil... it has lots of ingredients and is kind of expensive but you will not need additional nutrients.. You will only need to give your plants plain water because the soil has everything in it... I never tried super soil but there are some people on these forums who use it with success..

i prefer a more hydro style being able to have full control over which nutrients my plants are getting which is why I use either Coco/hydro/peat...

Another soil medium that works well is just perlite... called Hempy Style... The drain holes on your containers would be up the container 2 inches so there is a 2 inch water reservoir at the bottom of the container. Once the roots grow into the reservoir you will not need to water as often and your plants will have all teh water they want... the perlite and roots will wick the water up.

Don't get cheap mylar or foil for your grow room either.. plain white or diamond mylar (like windshield reflector) work well because they break the light up some so there are not 'Hotspots' hitting your plants from reflection.


Well-Known Member
Selling and growing can be dangerous too.. Just follow rule number 1 of growing and you should be fine though....
Rule #1: Do not tell anybody about fight club... errrr... Growing.

You can buy a 2x4x5 grow tent for less than 90 shipped so consider that before spending on building a grow room... might be about the same price to build it...

IDK how customs works in Canada but here in the states I have had orders taken and they did not do anything... and the seed company resent more seeds for me.... I don't think you have to worry about ordering seeds.. Attitude has some good seeds but they can be expensive. Breeders boutique is a good UK seedbank that has quality genetics for cheap.. they do not have feminized seeds, however.


Well-Known Member
Selling and growing can be dangerous too.. Just follow rule number 1 of growing and you should be fine though....
Rule #1: Do not tell anybody about fight club... errrr... Growing.

You can buy a 2x4x5 grow tent for less than 90 shipped so consider that before spending on building a grow room... might be about the same price to build it...

IDK how customs works in Canada but here in the states I have had orders taken and they did not do anything... and the seed company resent more seeds for me.... I don't think you have to worry about ordering seeds.. Attitude has some good seeds but they can be expensive. Breeders boutique is a good UK seedbank that has quality genetics for cheap.. they do not have feminized seeds, however.
Breeders Boutique DOES HAVE FEM CEEDS! They currently have DOG fem in stock.


Active Member
Herbies is a good company I got my stuff from them! There prices are great and all my seeds germed shipping was fast and very discreet I used my debit card and it showed up something different other then the company


Right on , thanks for the input . As for the seed company I don't really care for discreet billing just as long as they have quality seeds . As I read that a lot of people get ripped of when purchasing seeds. I think I'll go with the 20 dollar soil mix and just add nutes as I go ( I'd like to control the feedings ) . I do like the idea of portioning it out like suggested .do you have any experience with fox farms nutrients , what type of outcome did you get . And I'm kinda skeptical of the " grow tent " are they any good ? How sturdy was it ? To me it just seems a little too flimsy .

I think that's about all for now , thanks again everyone
Grow tents are great. I got 2 different sizes running a veg tent and flower tent should be good to go with some fox farm soil happy frog and ocean forest. Like someone mentioned already with a 400 you would want to keep them small of you are doing 6 or more plant anything under that number I would throw in 3 gallons and give them as much light as possible.


Grow tents are great. I got 2 different sizes running a veg tent and flower tent should be good to go with some fox farm soil happy frog and ocean forest. Like someone mentioned already with a 400 you would want to keep them small of you are doing 6 or more plant anything under that number I would throw in 3 gallons and give them as much light as possible.
What size are your tents and how many plants per tent ?


Well-Known Member
Right on , thanks for the input . As for the seed company I don't really care for discreet billing just as long as they have quality seeds . As I read that a lot of people get ripped of when purchasing seeds. I think I'll go with the 20 dollar soil mix and just add nutes as I go ( I'd like to control the feedings ) . I do like the idea of portioning it out like suggested .do you have any experience with fox farms nutrients , what type of outcome did you get . And I'm kinda skeptical of the " grow tent " are they any good ? How sturdy was it ? To me it just seems a little too flimsy .

I think that's about all for now , thanks again everyone
I actually did use fox farm ocean forest... it was alright but it holds too much water and is pretty strong for seedlings.

The generic chinese made amazon or ebay grow tents appear to be as quality made as the 300 buck name brand american tents... I will probably be buying another one whenever i get the opportunity to. They are very lightweight yet sturdy... strong thick aluminum snap together pieces. The tent is thick and has plent of vents and openings that can easily be hidden and closed. I think they could hold 30+ pound light systems & carbon filter.. point is it is good bang for your buck and it will do a good job keeping light reflected and keep light from leaking all over you room...

Grow tents help seal the grow environment which makes the carbon filter more efficient.

if you do get a tent there will be light leak where your air intake is... solution is to get some carbon prefilter on ebay...

My outcome was 7 zips under about 450watts. top quality.


Well-Known Member
To grow enough buds to last you and your roommates for the 2 month turn around between batches + sell,

well you better be ready to invest about 2 grand in a grow room with plenty of space....

My bet is you will run out of weed before it makes it 30 days cured and then be out for over a full month while waiting on the next batch.


To grow enough buds to last you and your roommates for the 2 month turn around between batches + sell,

well you better be ready to invest about 2 grand in a grow room with plenty of space....

My bet is you will run out of weed before it makes it 30 days cured and then be out for over a full month while waiting on the next batch.
so if I ran 2 grow tents think I'd have enought to last , 2 grand into it that seems a little bit much ?