I Seen Clones On Craigslist (is it illegal)


Whats up stoners, I was on craigslist and came across some afgoo and ice clones for cheap. But im kinda skeptic about getting them. Isnt it illegal to buy clones, MMJ if they are not from a collective? It seems legit, the ad says the guy is an MMJ patient and says to have rec form ready for verification. But i stay withtin the laws, and if its illegal to buy clones,weed from other patients, i WILL NOT do it. help please.


Well-Known Member
you can buy clones. plant transfer is not illegal.

depending on the state i suppose. but as far as i know, its fine.


hell yea, its real sketchy, thats why i wanna know if its legal before i go to do it. and it be an undercover or something. I live in Southern California. Anymore info would help. Is it illegal to buy clones and weed from other MMJ patients?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Technically speaking it's illegal for anyone to sell them, including dispensaries. They can accept a donation, but good luck getting anything from them without a donation. I'm pretty sure by definition donations are optional, as is the amount. That said, as a patient it's not illegal for you to buy them from a dispensary, MMJ patient, or otherwise.


Active Member
Sounds like a good way to rob someone who will not go to the cops or the cop’s wont follow threw.
Hay I got some great clones “Cheap” only 25 each. I can meet you at 10pm when I get out of work at my location.

Or its Johnny Law either way I would pass myself , all you will lose is " Maybe" a good deal.


Well-Known Member
Someone sketchy would just sell them to you . If they were legit they would have a non profit collective or an association in place and they would have you sign paperwork before they let you donate or purchase,. After you are verified as a legal patient your good. What type of clones and how much?


yea, they said donations, they are $10 for 10 inch clones. ICE and afgoo clones. So is it illegal? I mean, theyres 100s of post on their for clones and MMJ. Patient to patient. they all ask for 'donations' and are legal and only ask to deal with legal patients. Im still confused. Is it illegal?


if he wants to rob me for $30, he obviously needs it more than I do. Im more worried about johnny law than anything else.


Active Member
i can't believe you even asked this question. On your way to meet up with him why don't you go get me some green eggs and ham while you're at it.


why dont you shut the fuck up, if you aint gonna contribute to the thread in an informational way dont say shit... its a legitimate question obviously because most ppl in here dont know and with a majority of dispensaries closed, we gotta do what we gotta do. Plus my friends done it and got some great clones. BUT i want to know if its legal. Im not doing it. you fuckin simpleton


Well-Known Member
I told you already. Not illegal. If you have the paperwork to possess plants, you have the right to purchase.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I told you already. Not illegal. If you have the paperwork to possess plants, you have the right to purchase.
That's what I told you too. I am a medical patient. Most of the peeps who sell on CL do verify paperwork. Never bought off Cl myself, since there are dispensaries around with nice genetics already. Personally I wouldn't worry at all about the law. I mean, it is true that DEA could fuck you, but they ain't going after patients, they go after providers if anything.


Active Member
I get all my meds off craigslist,usually every 2 weeks unless i have some already. Got clones too. Doesn't answer your question but thats my experience. Rarely have i used the same person and also out of every meeting id say 5% ask for rec and i.d. I usually am the one to bring it up to try and cover myself.


Active Member
To say that California's MMJ law is "sketchy" is an understatement. Basically it covers personal usage. Legally, patients who are patients themselves at a single collective can grow for other patients. That is, I could grow up to 6 mature plants for you if: you are legitimate and you have me grow (give permission) for you. I'd post a copy of your recommendation and state photo ID in my grow room. The law is not sketchy when talking about CARETAKERS. The letter of the law defines a Caretaker as someone responsible for a qualified patients needs. That is to say ALL their needs. Food, Doctor's visits, therapy, and a host of other services and responsibilities. Like its' been posted above, if you are legal then no worries. If any one should be worried it'd be the seller... The most important fact is that the Feds aren't after "little people". Big suppliers especially those who abuse their situation are those who they are mostly after. Craigs List seems to have a fair amount of weird and sleezy people on it. I'd be most worried about pests. Anything less than $15.00 each would raise suspicion with me unless getting a lot >100 @ $12- each...
I once needed a $hit-load of clones, like 144! I went to CL and found at least 3 new listings daily. I looked foreward to reading them. Imust have sent nearly 40-50 different email out to listed sellers. EVERY person either didn't reply at all, or later came back with an excuse as to why they couldn't come through. Most (85%) were no reply. I think they were people that had nothing better to do with their time. Simply mess with patients. I ended up going on-line which turned out to be a total devastation! That is another story best suited to a post that talks about bad experiences with Collectives or Dispensaries or whatever they call themselves. Even a local dispensary can be risky. I have gotten and have heard of many others too, getting mites or something else, from the clones they got from a dispensary, friend or wherever; it is the #1 source of contamination. I think these bastards are homogeneous to our environment


Well-Known Member
cant show you anything in the law that states its legal, because the laws dont cover it.

but a case against you wouldnt hold up in court if it were to come to that. you are legal to grow, you were purchasing plants within what you are allowed to grow.
cant see how that could get you in trouble.

Jar Man

Active Member
I agree that the general sketchy CL activity is a potential problem anyway. Particularly when dealing with something that in fact is illegal even for dispensaries to sell by law. But it's also true that it's likely there are legitimate compassionate caregivers and patients that are distributing clones to help out other patients in lieu of the recent crackdown on dispensaries. As people here have said, if they're serious about asking for your id and card you're probably good to go. And it's also true that law enforcement is likely the least of your concerns with clones on CL. They're simply not going to make the effort to set up patient contacts on CL who have their credentials in order. They may be going after some of the dispensaries, which is where the anti-med MJ focus is concentrated right now. But not individual patients, whether on CL or not.